(no subject)

Sep 30, 2006 03:39

You look like a nice guy

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Penny Summers

Monday Oct 30, 2006
at 7:00 PM

My Heart - lol
Albuquerque, NM 87111
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You seemed like a nice, sincere guy (and fun too) so I invited you to this 'event' - lol...

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Ok... So you are wondering why some girl invited you to an 'Event'? Well I looked at your profile and liked what I saw.

You are cute and funny and look like a fun person.

So I thought I would 'Invite' you to come and have a look.

My Girlfriends and I are at school this year and are just sick of the scene around Campus... If one more guy screams out 'Hey Shortie, What's good?' I'm gonna kick him in the nuts!

So the EVENT is:
We are all sick of insincere guys who won't treat a lady right. lol... So.......

We all joined this dating site (ya ya... online dating is cheesy... but hey, so is hanging outside the SUB hootin at girls...)
This dating site is really good because it is for CHRISTIANS only. It is for people who are looking for serious, commited relationships with honest, caring people.

But at the same time it IS NOT a bunch of people quoting the rapture, drinking punch, and making macaroni art! Just cause I am a christian doesn't mean we can't party! I may even say a dirty word once in a while - lol. And ask me about last time I rode the porcelain bus...

So long story short, we are inviting you to have a look at our profiles, and join at Relationships.com (it is totally free) and look us up there. They have great little surveys and stuff to see who you are compatable with,
it really is a lot of fun to sign up and only takes a few minutes. So I hope you have a few minutes to do this. I'd really like to see you there. And maybe we could have a coffee together sometime. Or I can introduce you to some of my girlfriends.

Hope to see you there! Feel free to add me to your friends, but i don't generally answer all of the cheezy emails I get here. Contact me at Christian Relationships if you want to chat.

Also check out the profiles of my Girlfriends and look them up on the site as well.

God Bless,


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