Oct 31, 2005 18:42
Thank goodness! I just counted today, and we only have 5 full weeks left! This semester has flown by. I am looking forward to Christmas break to be with my family and friends at home. I am sure I will be at Sonic for at least 2 weeks of the time... because I cant go home and not work. (I think if I did, my mom would think I was sick or something!)
God is providing for school. If you are reading this, you can pray for $2000 to find its way to me (either through work or however God decides to do it!). It looks like I will be able to be back at Belmont again. AMEN!
People ask me how it is going. I say, "Life is being lived." I try to live to the fullest, but often I find myself exausted and just wanna give up. But life is continuing. Thanks to the Spirit's power I am able to wake up:)
Oh yes, and I went camping this past Friday and OF COURSE got a little sick. I mean, it was 20 degrees so I guess there was no way NOT to get sick. But... I feel much better today.
Well class is starting soon. I will type more soon!
In Christ
Paul Williams :)