The world and the life i lead.

Jan 19, 2005 23:27

Well yes as you can see i must be bored and some what contemplative due to the subject of the update. Well as anyone in Australia whould know school has finished for another year and as it happens i have now officially finished for the rest of my life. And yes it is a good felling, but now it seams life is spinning out of control.

Ummm well i have been accepted into tafe and i got my first prefrence which is an automotive course. Witch i am excited about, and i have also appllied for an apprenticship at a toyota dealership and have progressed threw to the second interview witch i went to today, i hope it went well and if it did then i will be accepted later on this week, so my finger are crossed.

The one thing i have noticed about life after school is that it all gets more inportant and i am allready starting to believe all of the old people when they say "You will miss your school days" upsetting as it may be i can see where it comes from. The worst thing about not attending school is the social life that i used to lead is diminishing, I still see all of my closest friends but not everyday only at parties and other places (mainly pubs and drinking holes) but it is all a little diffrent than what i thought. I knew that they have their lives and other job and social prospects but i do seam to miss the convosations we all used to have at school, and a lot of the stupid things we got away with.

Another thing that has happend is that i have been trying to help out a certain friend of mine who is at the moment going threw a hard patch (all who know me would know who i am talking about)and i cant say i mind, but it is sarting to get a little awkward, as i am driving my friend places witch is not the best thing to do as i currently dont have a license. But i dont mind, i am happy to help out in what ever way i can but it seaming to fell like my friend isnt gratfull any more, and concidering the risk i am takeing it does then to get me down. (and i just realised that my friend will be reading this one day so sorry) But i am happy for my friend as she is starting to get her life on track a job was offered and accepted today witch i am proud to hear, and there is a place where my friend will be moving into and the only downside of this is that it is on the other side of the city and a family member is renting it to my friend. But that is enough of that person.

I really dont know why i am writhing this and i dont know why i am going to post it but there you go, jsut another thing to think about. But i am starting to fell that if i write anymore i am going to embaras myself and other people so i will leave it at that.

Yours truly. Defect.

Oh and sorry about the poor spelling.
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