Eyes Open, Eyes Closed

Oct 25, 2009 00:07

eyes open, eyes closed

it feels like death, like dying. a moment in a cancer patient's... life. battlestar galactica. laura roslin. 104 words. pg13. this won second place in a drabble challenge at lit_bookshelf.

eyes open, eyes closed

The diloxin that runs through her veins burns like fire, like ants crawling all over her body. It feels like death, like dying. It feels like death, even though it's supposed to be the cure, the one thing that kills the cancerous cells growing inside her. She's joked about the cure being worse than the disease, but truth be told, it is, the treatment makes her want to die when the cancer makes her want to live, breathe, have more time. But she has responsibilities, burdens that she can't discard, so she keeps swallowing the bitter medicine and waits for the burning to subside.


ship: none, fandom. battlestar galactica, § pg13

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