Only a few more days! :-) I am still on the fence when it comes to getting either Pokemon Sun, for the download but also I want to get a DSi XL (they only have the big ones... everywhere I look, they don't seem to have the original 3DS either. Just the big ones.
In Pokemon Sun I want to get Tapu Lele. She looks amazing. :-) I am really torn between getting Litten or Poppilo bc I want them both ^_^ I don't like the final evos of Litten. It looks stupid and very cartoonish. So, I will persevere and hard reset to get a female poppilo bc I can't really imagine Poppilo being a boy.
My sister says that I am good to go get Pokemon Sun now and save up for my pokemon 3DS XL. Toni is working her hardest to get back my 3DS XL from the hock shop. I love this