Apr 12, 2009 00:43

HAPPY THOUGHTS DAY 3: This is for yesterday. Which was actually 2 days ago now that it's past midnight. But anyway.

Today's good stuff comes from hanging out with good people, one of whom I didn't think I'd be seeing much of anymore. I hope this means that we're on good turf with each other, and I hope it continues.

Also, Munchkin Booty is possibly my favorite iteration of the Munchkin games thus far.


HAPPY THOUGHTS DAY 4: Tonight was the birthday party for two of my new Philly theater-y friends. We went to a Moroccan restaurant in Delaware and had a seven course meal with a crowd of about 20 people, many of whom I knew. I spent most of the evening talking about movies and comic books with a guy named Joe and Ian (<3333)

Ian who helped show me where on my chest I can knap a punch (just by touching my arm, but still, UNF). Ian whose wife thought the whole thing was pretty funny, and is terribly friendly and clever to boot. Ian who gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek goodbye. Be still my beating heart.

But it was good times all around, even when I wasn't talking with Ian. The food was delicious, the friends were excellent, and I had some better laughs and more hugs than I'd had in a while.

Here's a picture of me with the birthday girls:

ian rose

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