Mar 30, 2004 05:51
the only thing.. is that there is no Mac version of it, and you need at least a half-decent gameing PC to run it.
The graphics are great, though some of the camera angles are awkward at times (like entering/exiting shops). May not be the best graphics, like some of the more recent FPS games.. but its damn good reguardless. The character design is very detailed, however at first there isnt really much as far as customization goes. Whoopie.
Some idiots think graphics are everything there is to a game.. and every time I hear it I just want to reach out and slap some sense into them! Bleh. one of the thinks that could have been different about the female characters is the sheer amount of unneeded panty-shots >.>;; im not even gonna comment on the darkelf females heh..*coughbondagefreakscough* er.. right. And I cant even blame the americans for that since it was made in Korea anyway
And since it's like 6:00am in the morning.. my mind decides to draw blanks other than those lol might try again later.
-Sagitarius Nahlein
(Yes, thats right! I made myself a last name *nods sagely*)