Un Title

Aug 06, 2004 14:08

Went out and bought me a new cell yesterday since i lost my other one. So who ever has my old cell number erase it and email me and ill give yea my new one. Well im on crutches know and a have to use a wheel chair. And i will tell yea why i was working out last ngiht lifting weights with my legs and i tore a muscle and know i have to use crutches and a wheel chair for a couple of days. But i don;t listen to Doctors i am going bowling tonight before my Aunt and Uncles party. So you can tell that i don't listen very well.

Well i was talking it over with my mom today and i think i convinced her in to lettin me get a tattoo. Well auctally tattoo's. I want to get a picture of Christ with throns in his head on my left shoulder. And a croos on my right shoulder. That says "Only God Can Judge Me".
And i also want to get a 3rd one to i want to get my name in Chinese or Japanese on my neck of my for arm. But have to see what mom is goin to say 1st. And i know what Dad is goin to say. Fuck No. but what Dad don't know won't hurt him. But it will probley hurt me.

24 more days till school wow were has the summer gone.
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