So apparently I haven't written in here since I went to Ireland like 2 years ago. Wow. Well, I'm going again in like 2 weeks, so I guess that works out just fine. I doubt anyone still even uses their live journals, but I remembered my password and I was in the mood to write.
I was reading this thing on the wonders of the world tonight and it just hit me how uninspiring life has gotten over the century's. People had purpose, regardless of weather it was ignorant purpose. These primitive people spent hundreds of years building the most marvelous and beautiful visions, and yet we, with all our brilliant minds and technology of today, never create things of such perfection anymore. Its like we stopped caring about the fine details of life. We stopped looking around and life is passing us all by. The only thing society prompts us for is creating a better economy, more money so we can build more ugly square buildings. Fuck money. What are we all living for if its to make and save money? Are we going to save it all for our kids to spend some day? That will just set off an idiotic cycle where no one lives becuase their living for the future rather than the present and no one does what their passionate about because they want to have more money to spend on things they would never have known the wanted until we all became obsessed with material things. Why cant we all just live on the money we need to survive and leave it at that? We could all do what we loved to do, because what else is life really about? The only certainty of life is death, and I don't want to die without living first.
Im going to go paint something fulfilling.