Random, plot-less fic in exchange for information!

Jan 27, 2007 00:13

Yes, I'm bribing you for information. It's not really much of a bribe but it'll have to do. I’ve read in more than a few stories that Cameron is an atheist (or something along those lines) and I was wondering if this is from the show or just a characterization given to her in fan fiction that has spread. Does anyone know which episode Cameron being an atheist or not believing in God came from? I need it for a longer story that I’m writing. Thanks.

House/Chase (a little)


House mimicked the confused tone and the facial expression complete with the furrowed brows. “Chase?” He was pretty sure the expression looked better on Chase than him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Y’know, proper manners says you should invite me in.” House looked at him expectantly.

Chase considered the situation. House was working on his own schedule, his own agenda. There was no way his resistance to the situation would deter his boss.

House stood still, eying Chase who was eying him back. He smiled when the younger man stepped back and reluctantly allowed him entry.

“Nice place.” Not quite a lie, not quite the truth.

Chase watched House meander through his apartment for a few seconds. Eventually he shrugged and sat back down on this couch and continued watching the program he had paused. He didn’t mind House staring around his apartment, mostly because he wasn’t foolish enough to leave telling personal memorabilia out in the open. Not because he was particularly paranoid (though working for House could excuse that) but because those personal reminders of days past would likely always pull forth a secondary memory of something he’d rather forget.

“Cookies and milk?” House had completed his round of the apartment even sneaking in to the bedroom where he found nothing, though not for his lack of searching. Now he was standing over his home-invadee’s shoulder looking at his snack of choice. “What are you twelve?”

Chase stared up at him and unashamedly popped the last piece of his chocolate chip delight into his mouth. He turned back to the television.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re intruding on my evening away from work?”

“Cuddy’s on my case.”

Chase laughed. “When isn’t she?”

House gave him that.

“Where’s Wilson?” Chase assumed he must be indisposed for House to be hiding here.

“Wilson…is on Cuddy’s side.” He didn’t sound peeved. He sounded as though he expected nothing less and Chase really didn’t want to know whatever this was about. Good, because House wasn’t going to tell him. He was the type to impose himself on others without explanation. Some people might have thrown him out but even if Chase wanted to he couldn’t really risk his job. “You’re not busy tonight are you?” He asked though he didn’t care if he was either way.

It didn’t look like it. In a T-shirt and sweat pants Chase was only interesting in wasting his time in front of the television.

“No. Just taking friend’s advice and watching this series.”


“Yeah. It’s not bad. Jack is a busy guy.”

House gave a made an indifferent sound. He’d never really gotten into this show but maybe he just needed to give it a chance. Besides, any reason to sit around and not do anything was fine by him. And sitting around in an environment outside work with one of his minions was nice too. There was still the barrier of boss and subordinate (more on Chase’s side than House’s) but without eyes on them there was less pressure to be who they were at work. Or in one, or maybe both of their cases, prove who they weren’t.

“So I guess it’s just you, me…and Jack.” House slouched back in the couch which was worn just enough to be comfortable yet not so much that it was sagging. He suddenly had the disturbing thought about what Chase might have done on this couch. He slid his eyes to the man next to him and the look Chase gave him over the rim of his glass as he drank his milk didn’t help.

Chase put the glass down on the coffee table and sighed. He was stuck with this impertinent guest. “There are other places you could go-”

“Homeless shelter kicked me out when they saw my car.”

Chase shook his head. “Cameron would actually appreciate your company.”

True but that would mean raising her expectations when he had no intention of going anywhere near the realm of what she might still be interested in. “No can do. The sexual tension might make one of us spontaneously combust. Can’t risk it.” He didn’t want to risk hurting her. He may not be interested romantically but she was a good doctor and a member of his team, none of whom he wanted to lose now that they’d finally found a stable balance. “I considered going to Foreman but he probably wouldn’t have let me in -overheard that he and that nurse have plans for tonight at his place.”

They lapsed into silence and there for some time. It wasn’t awkward. House didn’t say anything and Chase ignored him and focused on his program. There were no commercial breaks so there were no moments were decorum suggested that they fill with conversation.

“Where’d you get this?” House asked. Even TiVo didn’t take out the commercials for him.

Chase pointed to the black box sitting next to his TV. It looked like a desktop computer tower. “Computer,” Chase informed, confirming House’s suspicion. “It’s hooked up to the internet and the TV. I download the shows I want and watch them when I want, and without commercials.”

“It’s good quality,” House noted, wondering if he was behind the times.

“Most of the programs are available in high-definition,” he said with a nod. The last cookie on the small plate was retrieved and dipped into the half-empty glass of milk. Chase had the timing almost perfected. When the time was right he’d pull it out the cookie would be saturated with milk but not so much that it fell apart.

“So what do you have?”

“TV shows mostly. Some music, movies, porn.”

House glanced to his left and then back to the TV forcing back a smile. Only Chase could so casually mention pornography while eating cookies and milk.

“Any gay porn?”

“Some. Why you want some?”

“Sure.” He almost went on to say that he’d prefer a live demo. Some alcohol or more Vicodin would probably have let that slip. He wasn’t sure what the consequences of that might be. Would Chase do him? Was Chase even attracted to him? It was pretty fair bet that Chase was at least bisexual -there weren’t a lot of straight men who were into watching guys doing it -but he’d never even seen Chase look at another man, not the way he used to look at Cameron. House vowed to watch more closely.

Chase wasn’t at all shocked by House. There wasn’t a lot that House could do here that would shock him more than shooting a dead man in the head in the name of science. That had been one for the ages.

He wasn’t sure why he’d responded honestly to the question of his computer’s content. Didn’t all men have porn? He wasn’t sure why House wanted some of his videos. He wasn’t going to ask. This was already bordering surreal, there was no sense in pushing it any further. He did still have to work with this man and he was insufferable as it was.

Another episode of 24 ended, the signature clock of the show still counting down. A new episode was about to start but Chase paused it and turned an irritated look to the intruder who showed no signs of leaving.

“What?” House asked innocently. “I’d go to one of my poker buddies but I don’t think my dry cleaner would be willing to give me his couch for the night.”

The phone rang and Chase was thankful for the reprieve. Maybe he’d be able to think of some way to get House out of his apartment before the phone conversation ended. House was closer to the phone than he was so he picked it up and handed it to Chase, reminiscent of the many times Chase had handed him his phone when they were in House’s office.

“Hello?” Chase said into the receiver, his eyes still locked on House who knew exactly who it was who was calling when Chase’s gaze looked away from him and his expression turned a little panicky. “Uh, it’s okay…no…I haven’t seen him.” Chase pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Why? What’s going on?” House couldn’t hold back his smile at the explanation he knew Chase was getting. Chase covered his eyes with his free hand and shook his head. House laughed silently. “…no, I…I will… no problem…bye.”

Chase pressed the button to hang up and a soft beep marked the end of the call. His face remained buried in his hand. What would Cuddy’s punishment be if she ever found out he was harbouring her fugitive?

“I won’t tell if you don’t.”

Chase shook his head, eyes still hidden. “I can’t believe you.”

House continued to smile. Eventually Chase got up. House un-paused the video and continued to watch the show. He heard Chase bustling around the small kitchen area but was enjoying the antics of the US secret service too much to go investigate. A short minute later Chase was back. The older man heard Chase put some things down on the coffee table. He didn’t check to see what they were until there was a relative break in the action.

New cookies replaced the crumbs in the plate that had been left of the old, devoured ones. There was also a second glass of milk, this new one placed on House’s side of the table. House let his eyes rest on the blond man who was silently, if reluctantly welcoming him into his little place. It was a small gesture but when House took a cookie and the drink he was accepting it, putting them on the same level, temporarily breaching the wall of the professional relationship they had at the hospital.

“Mmm. Good,” House murmur around a mouthful of cookie.

“Pilsbury,” Chase responded.

The two sat back to continue watching the show. When finally Chase was out of episodes the clock was reading past one and they both had work the next day. Chase made up the couch which folded out, much to House’s delight and House spent the night.

Two days later Chase arrived to work around his usual time. House was already there. Cuddy demanded that he come in early to work the first shift of clinic duty as punishment for his little stunt two days ago. Rather than going directly to the conference room where the three fellows usually spent their down time Chase cut through House’s office. He pulled out a disk case and left it on House’s desk. He met the House’s eyes and gave him a smile and then left without saying anything.

House picked up the disk and found that it was actually a DVD. It took him a second to realise what it was. When he did a sly smile pulled his lips and his eyes lit up a little as he contemplated the prospective goodies. He glanced to the conference room but From his angle he only see part of Foreman’s back.

He inserted the disk in to his computer and began to skim the videos. About twenty minutes later Wilson stopped by. House gave him a brief look but quickly went back to his computer screen. Wilson, wondering what had some completely captured his friend’s attention moved to look over his shoulder.

“House, you think you could wait until you got home to view your porn?”

The End.

*I don’t have TiVo so I don’t know if it does take out commercials. For the sake of my story it doesn’t. :)

So anyone know where atheist Cameron came from?

Your help is much appreciated!

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