orphan black

Jun 08, 2014 22:23

I mainlined all of Orphan Black in the last week, and I am so in love. That is straight-up good TV. All the clones are so great, I feel such affection for every one of them (except Rachel, but I'm giving her time to grow on me), and Tatiana just has one of those faces. I could look at her all day. Helena is probably my favourite by a hair, she is just the cutest creepy psychopathic religious nut ever.

I ship all the things. All of them. Except Sarah and Paul, because Paul is really boring to me, but Rachel/Paul is sorta interesting in an angry conniving dubcon-y way. Heck yeah Cosima/Delphine, Sarah/Helena 5ever, and while I have some lingering affection for Felix/morgue dude, I am 300% down for Felix/Tony. That chemistry was off the charts, and yay bonus awkward pseudo-incest!

tv, orphan black

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