Title: Orphans Artist: sagetan Movie Prompt: A Series of Unfortunate Events Pairing: None Rating: G Notes: Mods, thank you for running one of my favourite challenges! ♥
Eeeeee!!! SO CREEPY. Poor BBs!!! Oh god, little baby Cas is so precious I could die. AND POOR DEANCAKES IS CLEARLY SO WORRIED AND TRYING TO BE ALL STRONG. Loooove this!
Thank you my lovely! And hee, creepy is my favourite >:) Don't worry about these crazy kids, Dean will make them a blanket fort and they'll fall asleep in a puppy pile under the sheets and all will be better in the morning.
castiel's teeth...! he looks kind of creepy, like little kids in horror movies sometimes are. (i've never seen a series of unfortunate events but i don't think it's a straight-up horror movie, is it?) anyway. i kinda like creepy!castiel with his pointy baby teeth. also sam and dean look so sad but i love the way they're dressed and actually their expressions are pretty perfect.
Haha! Thank you so much for the comment :D I cast Cas as Sunny, the baby sister who likes to chew things, hence the teeth. This is Sunny from the book covers, and this is her in the movie. Don't worry, you're right, it's not a horror movie at all!
Oooh, I loved these books and adored the adaptation; you really captured the feel of that film! Poor boys.
I love what you did with the black and dark greys in the background; the stair and that bannister are awesome. You put so many precious details everywhere: Dean's tie, the tear in Sam's sweater, the biting baby's teeth *smirk* Very cool artwork.
It's really lovely to hear this passes muster, especially from a fan of the series <3 I'm so glad you like the details, I do enjoy adding them in! Thank you, thank you :D
Comments 20
I love what you did with the black and dark greys in the background; the stair and that bannister are awesome. You put so many precious details everywhere: Dean's tie, the tear in Sam's sweater, the biting baby's teeth *smirk* Very cool artwork.
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