Get Ready To Rumbleeee

May 30, 2012 21:39

PSN demos, yeah!

Tetris: As far as I know, there's no version of Tetris available from the Nintendo e-Shop, so I checked this out instead. They tried to make it "modern", I guess, and it looks kind of weird and blah. The core gameplay is unaffected, obviously, and there are multiple game modes. You can watch people who don't suck play it, too, and holy snap, they're amazing. I tried to learn a few things from those guys, but they make it look much easier than it is. (I got one huge combo by trying to follow their playstyles before losing horribly.) It's like $13 (for the full game), though, which seems like a lot...

Sonic 4, Ep. 2: I complained about Episode 1, but this one was supposedly better and had Tails in it, so I checked it out anyway. Free demos don't hurt me. :9 Anyway, the graphics are markedly less hideous and Saturn-era, which makes the game more visually appealing, and this time I didn't always spin dash when I meant to jump, which means... something? The controls still feel loose, though, and Sega doesn't even let you play through an entire level before being like LOL BUY THIS.

Skull Girls: I kept seeing official art from this on Tumblr, so I checked it out. I'm not using an HD TV, though, and had a horrible time trying to read any on-screen text. The character selection screen was especially bad for this. I really don't recommend trying to play if you're not using a super crisp TV. I just have a flatscreen and it was pretty much like trying to read squiggles. :U

The 1940s (?) music/visual theme is really great, and the backgrounds and character animations are excellent. However, I'm god-awful at fighting games, and got very little out of my attempts to mash my way through a battle. Thanks to the menu problem, I was only about 40% sure which character I was, which made things pretty bad, and I seemed to have a... teammate, or an extra girl I could switch to. (I remember being asked to pick two, but I assumed I was picking myself and my opponent.) I was pretty confused and so I didn't have a very good time of it, but it *looks* pretty solid? It had sort of a Guilty Gear feel to it.

I checked out the controls screen (which I could read!) and thought the control mapping was kind of stupid, but again, I know next to nothing about this style of fighter, so this could be standard. If anyone more versed in the field plays this, let me know what you think.


Oh, and unrelated, but I'm probably going to end up posting a bunch of inter-related little OC one-shots, since those seem to be cooperative and actually maybe not barf-worthy! \o/

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