Wal-Mart actually got pre-orders for Final Fantasy XIII! This is the first time they've ever gotten pre-orders for a game I actually intended to buy. I'm so glad! I was starting to go into nerd worry mode over whether or not I'd get a copy, and now I'm guaranteed one. Thank yooooou.
Speaking of pre-orders,
here is the pre-order page for the Holy Orders, which is an English Tales of the Abyss anthology focusing on the characters from Daath--namely the God Generals, Ion, Anise, and so forth. If you're interested, please buy a copy. The artists will love you forever, and it's not like English Tales of fanbooks come around very often.
I finally started Persona 3: FES this month at the prompting of everyone on earth. (I had a game backlog, okay?;;) It's really awesome, has badass music, and has the potential for really amazing replay value. (Watch as I make the same choices in subsequent playthroughs anyway, though.)
Also, I'm really proud of Canada and how we're doing in the Olympics! Everyone's awesome, but I'm glad Canada seems to be doing better than usual. I know some people are all anti-Olympics--and for totally legitimate reasons--but you can't stop the event, so you might as well enjoy what you're being given, right?
You can do it, Canada! Punch that Global Warming in the face!