(no subject)

May 06, 2012 12:59

So many thoughts lately...
a lot has changed, as it
always does. Always wondering
why things are the way they
are in this country, and
wishing I could find a way
out as it crumbles.

Overall just trying to stay positive
while friendships come and go, making
me wonder if there really is such a
thing, or if I'm only wanted when it's
convenient to a group because of who I

Sick of labels.
Why are things always such extremes?
It's all or nothing. Uber religious
conformist republican cunt, or uber
neo-hippie tree-humping homosexual.

This country should be renamed "The
United State of spoiled brats". It
doesn't matter if you're rich or poor,
people are still snooty in the most
hypocritical ways.

At least it's given me a lot of material
to use in yet a third series of books I'm
working on... if I can find someone with
whom they feel my approach is ass-kissy
enough to be published by.

I have to say things are never as negative
in my actual life as they seem online. Online
is where I vent and share other thoughts that
may come across as negative. I am a very blunt
person... well, compared to how vague I used to
be many moons ago.

I believe in many ways I have found balance within
myself and an overall happiness when I remember that
it's only one or two parts of my life that don't even
constitute a third that are negative, while the rest
truly is positive and should be treated with celebration
rather than allowing the few negative things to influence
the good things.
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