Because REAL cowards hit-and-run

Mar 14, 2011 02:53

This entry is a reply to James.

Following this will be an entry about
such examples of insecure people and
the commonalities they share. As well
as an added bonus for readers as to
the "secret" behind the way I speak.


Obviously you don't know anything about me, nor what you're even talking about. First, you don't understand sarcastic humor. You weren't there, therefore, you don't know the underlying nature of the conversation. I knew something negative would be said right after I mentioned your name, so I quickly made a sarcastic remark about it being "unfortunate", then the Nathan Explosion quote, then the subject passed. Best I could do while drunk, which I'm sure you'd know all about.

Second, the "general respect" you speak of.
I really did wonder why you kept saying so many good things about me. I think you're confused with Sunny, because when we met, we barely interacted. You spent most of the time having conversations with Sunny about politics and government, etc. I just drove us to the store for wine and ordered pizza. When you said those things, I did appreciate them, and I did respect you on some level because you weren't an idiot like Danielle's ex, Carl, and I meant it when I thanked you, which is when I began having respect for you (which was also AFTER that video)... since your break-up with Danielle, I barely knew anything about you other than what I've been told by everyone else, which was the truth about negative things surrounding drug abuse... which does have a habit of making one more paranoid and insecure as well as delusional.

Third, my "fake" accent.
You know, it's funny, all the people who lash out at me after being emotionally hurt, they always attack this just because I'm from FL and speak differently around different people at different points in time. While everyone who's fine with me either asks like an adult, or just accepts me as I am. I remind you, you know nothing about me. This petty attack on my character, completely unrelated to the real matter, only shows your attempt to grasp at straws to insult others and make yourself feel better from a wound that you really only inflicted upon yourself for seeing and feeling what you wanted. That right there makes everyone question your REAL motive for this sudden attack, as if you were looking for a reason to lash out and cut ties, and I somehow doubt it has anything to do with the video, and probably more to do with a disappointment in your own life, or in yourself.

Finally, to quote you : "Disappointing you are exactly as you appear to be."
This statement is a disappointment and further mirrors what's really going on inside of you. Why? Because it displays how narrow-minded your perception of people is, and that they should be as they appear... such as your elementary name-calling me a faggot, when I'm clearly and repeatedly putting my penis in your ex (we have video proof too, if you'd like). Looks have nothing to do with one's capability, and to stereotype as such only shows the lack of intelligence and gender insecurity on the accuser's behalf, feeling a need to be smug by putting yourself in a mental and emotional state that you're above everyone else.

PS - If you've blocked me before a chance to say my piece, it shows that I'm not the actual coward, pulling a hit-and-run. If you really have nothing to fear from any of us, and see us as the "lesser creatures" you feel we are, you wouldn't go hiding.

People are People...

I seem to always attract the "winners", don't I?

If it's one thing I can say about all those I've crossed paths with, it's that
they all share the same behaviors in common. Emotionally crippled, and
therefore more prone to behave like a 12-year-old in a 30+ year-old's body.
Well, 30+ in a certain person's case anyway. But this isn't about beating a
dead horse, just using an example, just as is fair for him using me as an
example, though wrongly portrayed in his... anyway...

They always, ALWAYS attack the way I speak.

Now, for those who always wondered
about the way I speak and why/how I do so :

To be completely honest, the way I speak has changed a LOT over the years,
and ever since I was a child. I didn't have many friends, which is usually where
most kids gets their speech pattern from. Instead, my grandfather, who used
to be more a mix of Austrian and Pittsburgh accent, along with his father, who
had a strong Austrian accent, taught me what they knew of the German language
as I grew up, as did my grandmother with French. I ended up having a weird mix
of the Austrian, French, and flat American ways of speaking. As I aged, I learned
I could control them, and make other voice impressions as well... well, sometimes
I also can't control them. Sometimes a more Austrian/German accent will come out,
and sometimes I'll sound more French, or just the flat American. One never was
dominant, nor did I have any reason to make one so... until 6th grade. Which is
when I started going to a new school in the middle of the ghetto of Sanford, FL.
White was the minority, and black and Puerto Rican were the majority. They
picked on my accent and called me Nazi Boy all the time. So, I began using my
American accent more, almost until I forgot the others. Time passes, and for
many reasons, I want to reconnect with my ancestry, including the accent. I
began studying German and French more, speaking with the people, and my
old accents began to come out more. Sometimes I still have the habit of using
my American accent when I'm around new people, until I get to know them.
Well, a few years ago anyway. Now it's almost the opposite; I'll be thicker in
my Austrian/German accent, and it will get thinner. Forever a child of every-
where and nowhere... but that's my "cross to bear".

And to attack it just goes to show how truly petty and immature someone can be.
And yet, they attack it... I don't know why. I guess people do such just because
it makes them feel better to point out a flaw in someone they're at odds with or
for any other number of reasons. Probably because they secretly envy said person
in some fashion, and therefore feel threatened by them being around. It's just
something that takes time to explain or fix... like a cowardly King having his
forces burn the village of his opposition down, wasting the others' time and
effort to rebuild. Or, as the Romans "Poisoning the Well", so any future
inhabitants would not be able to stay.

Anyway, another thing they all have in common is feeling a need to belittle
and de-Humanize others, while accusing them of acting holier-than-thou, when
THEY are the ones being smug and megalomaniacal (thinking they're God and
that everyone should be like them, and as if everyone else is wrong and the
reason why is X reason... usually appearance followed by insults, which only
shows their lack of confidence in themselves as a person and their gender).

Honestly, the last thing I really even feel like wasting my time on in this
otherwise pointless entry, is that, while it does still bother me to a minute
extent when people lash out because they don't know how else to deal
with their own problems, or approach anyone like an adult, and therefore
make it everyone else's problem, is I have learned well from the school of
hard knocks. I've learned not to let it bother me and not to let them con-
vince me that their word and judgment are law. That it is only their
premature, immature, poorly biased opinion, and one that will not rule
over the course of the rest of my life. They hold no power over me, and
I won't think any less of myself as a result. This doesn't mean I think myself
better than them, though I do pity them for not being more mature in
handling such matters and continuing to make poor life choices that
lead to avoiding all their problems in self-destructive means rather
than proactive and progressive as the victims of this treatment
more often lead better lives and make better choices.

... Can we say envy?
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