(no subject)

May 15, 2003 08:56

I'm going to see the Matrix Reloaded tonight with a bunch of my friends!!! I can't wait! That movie looks so dope! It's definitely been a great couple of weeks for movies recently. Still ahead...The Hulk, Matrix Revolutions, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Charlie's Angels, Pirates of the Carribean, and Tomb Raider 2. Whew...so much to see, so little time and money to see it with.

Then tomorrow morning, I'm leaving for six days in Hawaii. Never been there before. I'm gonna be in Waikiki area for the weekend and then we're (Halothane, Lalii, and I) going to backpack through Kauai for a couple of days. I've never been backpacking. I'm a bit of an anal clean freak so it's going to be interesting. We'll see how it goes.

All these components point to good times ahead. I have to remember that my only obligation is to have a good time regardless of anyone or anything. I owe that to myself. I'm dreading the plane ride though. I hate flying. And it'll be my first time flying alone. Cross your fingers for me, I'm off to get a tan!
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