Here's a Gate, by the Sign, and in armor just in case the lack of it had contributed to certain events leading up to his questions. While he does hope the little droid hasn't been LOLed or damaged since it ran - or rolled - off, he can't help finding it all just a bit amusing
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"And I haven't seen anything like that before."
"Shame. He could have wandered off through one of the portals."
"And some of the portals can be dangerous..."
"True, but if it decided to go through them, I don't see where that's my concern. My responsibility ended with having it repaired, and I have no evidence to show that it wasn't an adult of its kind, however that might be determined. In fact, that it had the presence of mind to run away from 'humans', given what I'd heard of its world while researching the design, is a good indication that it's old enough to take care of itself. Well, most of the time, considering where I found it."
"Perhaps I'd best start at the beginning?"
He nods, smiling. "The beginning would be best. It usually is."
"This," he taps the image of the T3 on the datapad screen, "is what I found. Shut down due to some kind of ionization damage. I'm embarrassed to say I initially expected it to be no more than an interesting drone design. I still can't quite understand placing a higher level AI in such an awkward form. Really, what's it to do if it encounters a staircase, for example?"
He nods. "Interesting. Definitely a shame that the humans put something intelligent in such a strange form. Then again, Wily was little better at times. But it was fortunate that someone who actually cared enough to fix it and not pull it to pieces for spare parts."
"When it reactivated and found itself in a strange lab with what looked like two humans, I can only guess it must have expected that was what was about to happen. I can't blame it for running when it had the chance. I only wish we'd had time to explain."
He nods. "It probably anticipated that routine maintenance and not actual help. Poor thing."
Somewhere behind Gate, where he can't see it - but where Plant likely can is an endtable next to a Nexus Couch, covered in a checkered tablecloth and with a jar and a sign sitting on top. The sign says 'donations for the homeless'. And a little pincher is grabbing the corner of the cloth from underneath it now and lifting it up so that the droid hiding under the tablecloth can get a peek at them with its single blue photoreceptor.
He's eying the "endtable" carefully, but Plant isn't going to do anything quite yet. Poor thing wants to hide, and it's better to let it for now, at least.
And T3 lowers the tablecloth again for now.
"If memory wipes or tampering were used to keep someone in such a child-like and dependent condition..." Gate shakes his head. "I can see how it would work, even though it disgusts me. Essentially, they're killing them every time they start to develop past their original programming, and starting over with a new activation - only to repeat the cycle."
The suspicious endtable has risked rolling a little closer to them, peeking out from beneath the tablecloth again.
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