(no subject)

May 20, 2009 11:41

There is a flash of light, and a woman appears in front of the sign. She appears to be human, tall, fair-skinned and red-haired, with an expression that can best be described as a haughty sneer.

"Has anyone seen my good-for-nothing ex? The last anyone heard he was headed here, and he hasn't checked in for some time. I wouldn't care, except that our idiot son won't listen to me... not that he really listens to his father either, but there's at least a tiny chance he might."

She then turns to the sign and appears to have a conversation with it.

"Well, they should just *know* who I am. Isn't it obvious?"

She sighs. "Very well. I am Q, and I'm looking for Q. Is he still here?"

Then she turns back to the sign and says angrily, "Oh, what is it *now?*... I need to ask for advice? What part of 'have you seen my ex' is not advice? I don't need to ask *mortals* for help with my problems... oh, very well, if you insist."

To the denizens of the Nexus, she says, "Your dimension suggests that I ask another question. So... if one was essentially forced out of playing the role of parent to one's own child by one's partner being jealous, possessive, extremely permissive, and insisting you were doing everything wrong, until finally the child simply refused to take you seriously ever again... and you are now contemplating having another child with another partner... how would you prevent it from happening again, without trying to force the new partner out of the new child's life? I hardly wish to do to another Q what Q did to me... but while I consider Q much more trustworthy than Q was, I can't be certain she won't try to take over as the new baby's parent the same way *he* did with the older child. How do you mortals manage to balance the roles of two parents without one taking over, anyway?"
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