Apr 14, 2009 22:10
A petite girl with pixyish features and mousy hair in a ponytail steps into the nexus. She is nervously puffing on a cigarette every few words. She wears a mid-calf-length black skirt and a black-and-white-striped shirt, and looks like she's seen her share of drama within the past few days.
Ok, here's the deal. I am home from boarding school for... a while, I guess, and staying at home. No, I didn't get kicked out. It's complicated. I'm earning some cash on the side, probably I'll be back. My boyfriend's still at school. My mom is getting increasingly vehement in her assertions that my visiting my boyfriend halfway across the galaxy every two to three weeks (a 2-3 hour trip) is, among other things, amoral, indecent, and just plain stupid. It looks like she might not even let me go beyond this weekend, which is already planned.
She says that I'm doing too much for the relationship while he's not doing nearly as much, that I'm making myself too available, and chasing him, which, in the end, is going to make him cease to appreciate me.
I honestly think she's making too much of it. It takes me two days to earn the money for a ticket, I'm not inconveniencing anybody, I don't have anything to do on weekends anyway, and I haven't invited him to visit me because for him to do so would cause much more hardship since 1) he is a broke student, and 2) when he did visit a few months ago, my parents made him really uncomfortable. I don't know whose fault that was, theirs or his. I still can't make head or tail of the situation. But anyway, I can't not see him. It's the only thing that sustains me through the dull, dreary workweek these days.
However, what say you, nexus? Is my mother right? Does her argument about "chasing" even make sense in light of an 18-month relationship? On the other hand, should he be able to overcome his discomfort before my parents if he really does want to see me? Is there any way to convince her to let me do what I want to do?