Sep 14, 2008 03:10
There's apparently a new female Nobody here, but of course, she isn't supposed to be one. Though her hood's up, Aefyx is on the sociable side, and prone to take risks like her real self, only more pronounced, obviously. The whole thing is something to distract her from wanting to desperately seek her Heart constantly.
Those that can tell will know she's really Faye, who's had a bit of bad luck that caused her to get LOL'd and had a certain part of her taken away. Naturally, when she turns back to normal, she's not gonna be happy about becoming this. She doesn't truly have emotions as a Nobody... but she can make a good illusion of them, even fooling herself a lot of the time.
"So, everyone's looking for something, right? Whether it's just to get rid of boredom, or some quiet, or even something you really need. Or maybe lifelong dreams? All of the above? Anyway..." A pause. "I guess my question is, what are you looking for?"