(no subject)

Jan 30, 2008 20:22

Hey, look kids, it's a Troll.

Long ears, longer tusks, and a bright magenta mohawk large enough that it's a wonder he doesn't tilt sideways in strong breezes.

Judging from the rune-stitched robe and ornate staff (as well as the faint smell of ozone that often accompanies magical discharges), this one's a Mage.

He paused, crouching down a bit and using the butt-end of his staff to sketch a few arcane sigils in the dirt.

"Dey say dat if ya mess wit' da fiyah, ya gonna get burned.  Dey say ta fight fiyah wit' fiyah. Dey also say where dere's smoke, dere's fiyah."

He falls silent a moment, rubbing at the small pockmarks speckling his face - to look close, one would realize they were old burn scars, as if he was scalded by hot grease spatters or airborne embers.  Guess not all mages are masters of the elements, after all.  Not at first, anyway.

"Why is it dat fiyah seems ta hold such wonder ta people?  All it does is bring a lotta pain an' destruction."
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