(no subject)

Dec 22, 2007 13:11

Skeith is, as one might expect, still in the Nexus, and now thoroughly un-LOLed.

He is not by himself in the Nexus, however. He is in the company of a girl a good eight inches shorter than he is, who is clutching a half-empty packet of pocky and staring at a video screen in front of her, enthralled. He's having to literally drag her around obstacles because she won't look up. Thankfully the screen follows her, so she doesn't have to take her attention off it.

He pauses in front of a Convenient Nexus Couch near the sign, shoves the girl onto it, and filches a pocky stick from her, earning a sharp protest and a smack upside the head. Then he sits down and takes a bite out of the pocky. "This is my mun," he says, and gestures with the remainder of the stick. "Who is going to get that video screen taken away if she doesn't ask her question."

"Oh come on, I'm almost finished with the episode." But the video on the screen is duly paused, and the mun looks up, adjusting her rather thick-lensed glasses and blinking owlishly at the Nexus in general. "Hi," she says, and smiles an awkward smile in the way one who isn't too fond of their smile would smile. "I'm Maya. Mun to this jerkface right here--" She ducks a swat. "Okay, okay, anyway! So. I - stop chewing so loudly and keep your hands off my pocky--" That was directed at Skeith, who is noisily munching another pocky stick he managed to filch without being noticed. "Ahem. I was just wondering, how does everyone here get along with their muns? Me and my pups usually get along pretty well, when they're not being jerks."

She nibbles the end of another pocky stick, looking deep in thought, then brightens. "Oh, also. How do you cheer up a pup who's depressed because his partner's probably not going to be around during the holidays, even though he knew this would probably happen?"

"I say you give him a good smack upside the head," Skeith comments.

"How about I give you one instead?" Maya counters brightly.

Skeith facepalms. "'Get along pretty well', my ass. Damned hellion."
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