A door into the Nexus is opened. Through it steps three Jedi, two of whom have been here before.
Samus Vimes gives the Doctor an annoyed glare. The Time Lord Jedi just smiles madly, before turning back to the newly arrived third, who's staring around, shocked.
This Jedi is oddly familiar to anyone in our- or the DC- universes, though. He's tall, dark
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"What's wrong Sam, haven't you grumpied them into submission yet?"
"Oh, do the other hims do that too?"
Watch Vimes stew.
And then, a mischevious grin. "Think I can train this one?"
"Ooh, that'd be fun. Or maybe you could train him to smile, sometimes!"
Watch Vimes stew even more.
"Sure! You hold him down, I'll do the rest."
"The rest", from her tone, probably being rather naughty.
Vimes, deciding to avoid being raped by the crazy lady, steps in at this point. "Doctor, stop giving him ideas. Honestly, I prefered your last regeneration a lot more."
"My last regeneration was nowhere near as fun! Though I did like the accent."
Ali raises an eyebrow incredulously at Vimes. "Him? Are you feeling quite well?"
Her naughty ideas have more to do with chocolate and poetry, for the record. Vimes needs to stop overreacting.
"At least nine took things seriously once in a while," growls Vimes the party pooper.
Dude, he's Vimes. He's supposed to over-react!
"I'm still wondering how you can think I'm a man." Ali is really quite puzzled. She's certainly not the so-skinny-as-to-look-a-boy sort. She looks over at the Doctor for reassurance. "Do I look particularly masculine today?"
"Oh, no. Very feminine. Vimes just trips over his words when I'm annoying him. You should have seen that time when we were talking to the Weequay embassadors and he said something very amusing about the embassador's wife. Talk about laugh!"
Vimes, deciding he's done fuming, marches away.
"Oh, I don't think he likes that story." She pauses a moment before continuing. "What did he say?"
THoughtful Doctor face.
"Well," he says, cautiously, "Weequays live near Hutt space, right? So they tend to get involved with Hutts a lot as bodyguards, enforcers, that kind of thing. Vimes...."
Another short pause.
"...made a comment about the Ambassador's wife having... other kinds of business with Hutts."
Don't ask how the Doctor got him to say it. Alcohol and Force powers were involved.
She glances after Vimes to make sure he's out of earshot, just in case his hearing the question would give him ideas he shouldn't have. "So did he beg you for the chance to cross his own timeline and stop himself?"
The Doctor is smiling an evil, doctorly smile. "He did, actually. Tried to pull the "IT'S FOF THE DIPLOMATIC GOOD OF THE GALAXY!" card. I convinced him to just go spar with Kal for a bit. That cooled him down." He decides not to mention that Kal- superhumanly strong as he is without his skill with a lightsaber or force powers- actually lost that particular match. Vimes is scary with a lightsaber.
((I am SOOOO tempted to do Ali as a Jedi. Can I? Canicanicanipleasepleaseplease?!))
She leans in conpiratorially, mischief lighting her eyes. "So have you gone back to meet the Skywalkers?"
((Um...I'll think about it? It's not a decision I can make all by myself since she's not actually originally mine, and all.
Also, off to pick people up from work, should be back within 90 minutes, weather permitting.))
Yay, happy doctor!
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