Oct 07, 2007 21:53
Okay, Sages, I have a dilemma. I have a friend--an actual friend, not one of those hypothetical friends who's really me--anyway, I have a friend who's made a lifestyle choice. It's the way he's always felt, and he recently decided to make it official by coming out and telling people.
Here's the thing: it might be a lifestyle choice, and if it is, that's just great. More power to him, and all that. But it also might not. I've known some other people with medical problems who were a lot like my friend as a result, and those things ended up causing them a lot of other problems that couldn't be mistaken for a voluntary choice. So, I have to wonder if my friend's not headed for the same problems.
Here's the question: do I congratulate my buddy on the way he wants to live, wish him well, and hope to god he doesn't end up in a hospital two weeks down the line; or do I, at the risk of killing his buzz and looking like a dick, tell him what I know and mention it might be smart to get checked out, just in case?
((The vampire, he sleeps. No solicitors or holy symbols.))