(no subject)

Mar 18, 2007 09:38

Victor was rather selfishly taking up the entire Convenient Nexus Couch by lying down and staring at where the ceiling would be, shining a flashlight up-and-up. She was wearing a shirt that said I’m Russian. Kiss me and I’ll punch you. It was intended as a warning, not a challenge. Not like Victor could rightly punch anyone anyway.

"I’ve been seein’ my sister a bit durin’ spring break. An’…maybe I should jus’ forget th’ bad thin’s she’s done t’ me. ‘Cause she doesn’t seem t’ un’erstand why I avoid her so much an’ for those of you who know what m’ prob with her is…should I?"

"D’ you ever feel like you’re meltin’?"

She moved the flashlight in a slow diagonal line across the Nexus Sky. "From where d’ you expect danger? Above, below, or on-level?"

((OMG SPRING BREAK IS OVER FOR ME, YAY! Ahem. So yes. Back to school to me. Be back later.))
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