
Nov 03, 2006 22:06

There's Is a Dib in the Nexus. A bishified Dib. A tired-looking bishified Dib. He sets his computer's headphones down and looks around at the nearby crowd.
"Alright, I've got a question. I've heard other people ask about dreams before. The type you have when you sleep, not aspirations and things like that. What do you think dreams are for? ( Read more... )

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Comments 141

thedeath_of_you November 4 2006, 04:14:42 UTC
"Hiya, Diiibbb! Could be anything, really." Yes, that is Botan doing her infamous popping-up-from-behind-people number. "I've heard of all kinds of dreams. Nobody can really be sure."

"Besides not sleeping? Uhm, I don't know. We have a lot of spiritual items in Reikai, and I could look for something there for you, if you'd like."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:20:46 UTC
Dib eeps and whirls around when she pops up behind him. "Hey Botan. I know there are a lot of different thories as to what dreams are supposed to be. This was more... asking what everyone else thinks.
"'Reikai'... I've heard of that before. Sure, I'd like to see what they can do anyway."


thedeath_of_you November 4 2006, 04:33:21 UTC
"Oh! Well, when I have dreams, it's always about before I died. They're only short snippets though." She looks disappointed.

"It's where I work, the Spirit World in your language. And I will do."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:47:29 UTC
"You're dead? Oh yeah, as a personification of death you'd kind of have to be, wouldn't you?" He adds, half-smiling embarassedly. "Have you tried to condition yourself to remember more of those dreams at all? I hear that's possible..."
"I also heard that it's some kind of power that some people can use around here, but that might be just a difference between worlds. And thanks." He nods.


golemancer November 4 2006, 04:18:31 UTC
The Io, herself with a tendency to travel to other planes while asleep, has just faded into the Nexus for the second time when what should she see but a Dib.

A very. Bishie. Dib.

She blinks, looks around, realizes where she is, then blinks again, almost not catching his question.

She then makes some kind of odd, strangled sound not unlike an attempt to not squeal like a rabid fangirl.

Collecting herself and regaining her composure a bit, but still grinning like an idiot, she replies. "I get really insightful, profound, and sometimes even prophetic things when I dream, along with the occasional fandom blip. But I'm a really frequent and strong dreamer. Oh, and I tend to pop between dimensions sometimes too, like now. I would say that they're for everything you need to do but can't do normally, at least to me."

A pause.

"You know I've had a buncha dreams about you and given that dimensiony thing I do I don't suppose you're the same Dib I saw then and maybe remember any of those do you?" A somewhat evil flash glinted in her eyes ( ... )


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:29:05 UTC
"You're saying that dreams allow you to do what you need to but... can't?
The fourteen-year-old blinks. "Wait... what? I don't remember anything like that! I don't think I'm the same Dib you were dreaming about. Man, that sounds weird... waitaminute, what was I DOING in those dreams anyway?!"
((Eee! Dib-fangirling!))


golemancer November 4 2006, 04:38:18 UTC
"Weeeeeeell, since you asked, the one that springs to mind was this one where you and Zim were being all rival-y like usual, but somehow got yourselves handcuffed together and lost the keys. It didn't really stop you two from arguing, but at one point Zim was doing his usual extravagant gestures and flinging you all over the place as a result, which was pretty funny.

"Then, when he finished his rant and explanation of the BRILLIANT PLAN he'd just put into action, he just plopped down on the floor all satisfied like and dragged you with him, wrapping his arms around you possessively. There was a long, awkward pause, and then you said, 'You're aware how slashy this looks, right?' and Zim just replied 'I knoooow.' It was cute as hell." Her grin has gone into cheshire proportions by now, and she's obviously watching to see exactly what Dib's reaction is.

((I have so been watching for an opportunity to torment talk to Dib with this pup, and you basically just granted my EVERY WISH. :D And that's an actual dream I had once, btw.))


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:59:20 UTC
See this, this is now a very broken-brained and even blushing Dib. "I, uh... R-really?" He replies, his voice covering two octaves at once. Perhaps that hits closer to home than she might think?
((Awh, he has a stalker! ^_^ *loves to torment the lil' confused teen as well, OH yes.*))


whichtwin November 4 2006, 04:22:06 UTC
"You get dreams during REM sleep, when your brain releases a hallucinogen. Pretty sure in most cases that's all it is, nothing supernatural... Freud thought that people dreamt to satisfy their unconscious needs, but that doesn't make sense for some dreams. I think it's probably just random synapses firing." Kaoru says this all reasonably, which is strange coming from a boy who's half-covered in pink paint.

"And there should be pills you can take to put you so deeply into sleep that you don't remember your dreams. Doesn't stop you from dreaming, but it's just as good."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:37:34 UTC
Considering Dib's current state and other stuff he's seen recently, pink paint really doesn't seem all that strange anymore... He still blinks a few times, though.
"Unconcious needs... Yeah, that's what I've heard and I really really hope it isn't true but the hallucinogen thing makes sense too. There might be SOMETHING to a few of them, but most are just... random images and stuff."
Dib nods. "Those are supposed to work, but there are a lot of side-effects..." That and the mandatory skool behavior-adjustment program tried to drug him into a coma already, he doesn't really want to do it to himself too. Drooling really sucks.


whichtwin November 4 2006, 04:48:59 UTC
At least he isn't taped to the lamppost anymore, thanks to team effort and, eventually, what was apparently some sort of laser. "If they're really random, they're probably just your brain being weird. Not everything has to mean something... but then, sometimes it's good to listen to your dreams. They can tell you things that are important to you."

"Are the dreams worse than the potential side-effects? If you don't want to risk it, apparently setting your alarm to go off every fifteen or twenty minutes will keep you from getting into REM sleep. It's dangerous though, and people can get really messed up or go insane." It's scary, the things one learns through... well, people like him.


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 05:10:44 UTC
"I... guess... Have dreams ever told you something important like that?" He doesn't really consider that it might be a personal question, but Hikaru--or was that one Kaoru? Man, they really DO look alike--could always just not answer.
"I really don't like the idea of going insane over all this." He blathers, all pretense of objective curiosity falling completely away. "And they're not really BAD--I mean, they're bad, but they're not nightmarish. I just, uh..." He trails off.


victormakesart November 4 2006, 04:28:46 UTC
Still blind! Still frustrated about it, too!

"My dreams're...well, near anythin', really. 'Fore I go t' sleep, my half-dreams're always scary. I dunno what they are. I think they're just different thoughts."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 04:38:30 UTC
"What do you mean, 'half-dream?'"


victormakesart November 4 2006, 04:40:35 UTC
"Dunno how to 'splain. Like...zonin' out, but different. Everythin' goes to pictures that move real fast. Sometimes voices, too. They don't connect. 'S like watchin' a movie."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 05:00:24 UTC
"That's... pretty weird."
((But not to me. That stuff happened to me as a kid. Used ta scare the shit outta me...))


kory_of_tamaran November 4 2006, 05:31:07 UTC
"People from my planet believe that dreams can stand for many different things. Sometimes dreams can unexpectedly give us the answers to the questions that we want answered the most, or it could be a warning of some sort. Or you can have dreams that do not make any sense."


myheadisnotbig November 4 2006, 05:40:01 UTC
"Yeah, that's what I'm hearing." Dib helf-smiles at her. "Well, I haven't heard the warning thing before... But it does make sense.
"How're you handling humanity and stuff, by the way?"


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