wai halo thar.

Sep 10, 2006 15:01

Raven pops in, wearing robes, her hair cropped short and looking a tad older than she last appeared.

"A question of the utmost importance. Peoples very lives depend on the answer to this question. My Lj hates me. How do I get it to like me? Okay seriously, whenever I go to post an entry in said journal, I can't pick user pics or post to alternate communities."

"And for those who can't or won't answer that," Raven smiled and glanced around, hoping to find some familiar faces. "How has everyone been?"

EDIT:((no, I'm not back. I just needed to ask a question. So don't go flailing at me and screaming "but u quit!!11! u lozer!" Having problems with an LJ needed an answer.))
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