May 29, 2006 01:42

Suppose your entire life has changed and you have a chance to rebuild or move on, which do you choose?

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spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 07:01:27 UTC
*stares* Raven?


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 07:02:37 UTC
Apparently. I doubt my other name is much fitting anymore.


spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 07:12:19 UTC
*takes a big step back from her*

No... You are not the Raven from my world. You are a Raven from another dimension...*she stares at the other woman in clear confusion* But you are...human?


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 07:16:42 UTC
I would prefer if you not use that term. I am currently ill but, with time, I will find a way to get better.

And it is not contagious, you needn't back away like that. I won't bite. Hard.


spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 07:28:47 UTC
*she cocks here head at the other woman* Forgive me Mystique. Do you fear reprisals in your... currant state?

*makes a point of walking over to the other woman and trailing three hands over her shoulder, circling her before coming to stand beside her* I do not fear... I am simply surprised. How came you to as this *gestures with one arm at her* How came you to lose your powers?

*smirks at her final words* It is good to know that something do not change.


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 07:39:09 UTC
*She doesn't move during the rather obvious, yet so subtle, attempt at a threat. The woman didn't even blink though a slow smile curves her lips, the humour not seeming to reach her eyes.*

I fear very little, even now. I came to be in this state because the government lies and turned their wicked little cure into a weapon of mass genocide, should they choose to do so.

And it's Raven for now.


spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 08:07:46 UTC
*Spiral senses the other woman's tension, realizing that her actions which she had meant to be comforting were seen as threatening. Again she was quickly reminded again that this 'Raven', is not her ex-leader and friend from her dimension and so teleports a few feet away, putting some distance between them again. *Forgive me, you know me not. Though I was one of your minions in another world. *She is however noticeably stunned at the other woman's words, giving a big blink*

A cure? Ill news indeed, Raven! With you as you are, your cause of Mutant Liberation is all but doomed. *she looks at the other woman sadly* To be powerless...it must be beyond torture for you.


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 08:14:36 UTC
*A brow archs, considering the other woman in a new light, scrutinizing and curious now*

Truly? I admit, you aren't one I'm familiar with but now you have piqued my curiousity. And you came to know this other Raven's *her lip curls as she says the words* homo sapien form how?

I would deny it but I doubt my words would ring true. I was not only struck down but it was done while I was saving the only one who had my loyalty and he turned his back on me for my trouble. Torture does not even come close to how I am feeling.

But I will not let his betrayal stop me. Nor this curse they have forced on me. There are ways and now, with this inter-dimensional nexus, hope. I will put some things back as they were. And others? Will answer for what they've done.


spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 08:37:43 UTC
*she smiles and one of her six arms comes up, her three-fingered hand open, sensing.* Your unique life-force does not change, Raven. No matter your form or power.

We met long ago when I was fresh from Mojoworld and wondering earth, later Mystique recruited me into her team, Freedom Force. Which was really only a cover name for her Brother Hood. The team has been disbanded for some time now, but Raven summons me when she has need of my talents. *she cocks her head* I am... how do you say..."on call"?

*she shook her head again* Ah... That is most assuredly where you and "my" Raven differ. She is too, strong for that, she follows none- she leads.

Good! Revenge is good, and for every 'cure' there is a counter agent somewhere. *evil grin*


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 08:49:51 UTC
*A slow smile curves Raven's lips, an old light coming to her eyes*

My Brotherhood, you say? Not Erik's? Well that is interesting, and welcome, news.

I did not see it as weak to follow him. He was one of few in my life I would give fealty to. There is also nothing weak in allowing another to be the mouthpiece and, therefor, accept all the flak.


spiral2darkness May 29 2006, 09:11:26 UTC
*guessing immediately who exactly 'Erik' was* The first Brother Hood was originally and briefly lead by he, but was later taken over by your counterpart.

True.... But there is always danger to follow and be near such total zealotry of any kind, least you become blinded by the rush and ego of it as well. Being blind and deaf to anything including to that you hate, is foolish. And enemies will always take advantage of such. *she snorts, crossing two arms* It has been the root of Magneto's down fall more then once.

*she cocked an eyebrow at the other woman* Really Raven, you where utterly wasted as his pretty fag-hag. You are far better then that... *she purred, flashing the other woman a conspiratory and rather predatory grin*


not_smurfette May 29 2006, 09:26:41 UTC
Well then, perhaps history should repeat itself. In my own world, they have yet to find him and are not even sure he survived the ordeal on Alcatraz. Of the few who remain there is not a leader among them but I'm sure they could be guided.

We are all zealots in our own way but some temper it better than others. Erik was never one for temperance. It was actually one of his better traits to my mind.

*She laughs* I was much more than that, even if he never saw it. It didn't matter that he did, but that I - and others *She smiles* - saw the truth.


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