Apr 29, 2006 02:20
"So...this isn't Domino Airport. Okay, got that down." Tristan's face grew a bit less freaked-out - but quickly returned to just as freaked as before, if not more.
"So anyway. I found my way back to my...world, and got a chance to see the Silent Hill movie. Man, that's one messed-up movie." He shivered slightly. "I'd say I don't think I'll sleep for weeks after seein' those weird...things, but...to be honest, since I started hanging out with Yugi...I've seen freakier."
"Yeah. In any case, I've got a three-part question today. I guess this'll only apply to people whose worlds are advanced enough to have movies. First, what's your favorite movie of all time? Me, I've got so many it's hard to pick just one. Second, what's your favorite scary movie? Third, what movie affected you the most? Could be made you happiest, saddest, scared you the most.... For the last two, my answer's the same: Definitely Silent Hill."