"I just found out that I have to attend some black-tie political event for work. Can anyone suggest ways to make the thing a little more interesting without causing an international incident?"
You're a powerful and well-trained telekinetic. There are hundreds of tiny things you could do that the boss would never notice. Just takes imagination, and I know you have that.
Nagi carefully reminds himself that there are alternates, and therefore this is not the same person who just downloaded massive amounts of porn and three nasty viruses onto his computer. "But the really fun ones would probably cause the sorts of incidences that I'm supposed to avoid."
Nagi rolls his eyes. "Yes, Schuldig-sama. Of course, Schuldig-sama, but this humble one is not a telepath, and therefore must pick and choose from the pearls of wisdom that fall from your lips."
"I don't see anyone worth respecting right now." Nagi says with a sniff.
((Do you happen to have AIM? It occured to me that it might be easier to plot evil if I could chat with you. Not that I'm planning evil now, but with Schwarz there should always be evil in the making...))
I refuse to believe that I gave your computer any viruses. I always used protection when I surfed porn sites.
((Do you happen to have AIM? It occured to me that it might be easier to plot evil if I could chat with you. Not that I'm planning evil now, but with Schwarz there should always be evil in the making...))
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