Oct 08, 2005 00:08
To Brainiac-5 (it is 5, correct?): I was reading through the JLA: Earth 2 miniseries recently, and I noticed one thing: The Antimatter-Earth Brainiac-1 (Brainiac original, if you will) claimed that humans had a third-level intellect - as we know, Anitmatter-Earth is a 'dark mirror' of Earth, so this would hold true in Matter-Earth (named "Earth-Two" by the Antimatter-Earth's Alexander Luthor). By comparison, you, in your first appearance here, claimed that Earth had a third-level intellect.
Put simply, which is correct? Are you underestimating us, did Brainiac-original overestimate us, or did humanity devolve/downgrade in the time between?
To everyone else: Justice League of America, or Crime Syndicate of Amerika?