Oct 02, 2005 13:58
*fades into view, a young man in a blue-grey military uniform*
Hey, Carlos? This isn't the sim you said you were going to run... doesn't look like any sort of 'Reconnaisance Simulation Alpha' to me.
*stops, looks around, staring*
...Yep, definitely not that. This is starting to get weird. I didn't know the VR was set up for...
*sees the sign*
Okay, question, then. As 'what is this place' seems to have been answered. Though 'Sages of Chaos'? What the hell?
Fine, then. How do I deal with a coworker who keeps using me as the - guinea pig? Test pilot? Whatever - for his latest 'experiments'? Somehow, no matter what, I seem to end up as the focus. I try to tell him 'no way' but he just doesn't know when to stop... it's one thing for the officers and the likes, but... yeah.
((Note: Character has been restarted/rebooted to an alternate version; see his latest journal entry for information on what's happened and how this affects things.))