It's come to my attention that in other worlds/dimensions/etc. people indulge in these interactive "electronic video games" modeled after the events of, well, my life. Or at least, those parts of my life that involve the man (or maybe men, I should say) known as Snake
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And it's only small consolation that s/he will get a game over for it.
Game is not life, Life is not game.
More important things to worry about. Try to make sure that your compatriots get a piece of merchandise featuring you, though. Would be powerful focus for magics and such.
Not that I believe in that shit, but it might be a feasible loophole in this "non-violence field". That, and I'm bored out of my goddamn mind.
Self uses 'that shit'.
Is not a loophole. Have tried.
((Can you get on AIM or yahoo? ))
Like I said, I'm bored.
Find someone of same skill level, ask them to fight.
If you both accept, No-Violence field lifts.
...*notices the hand* What gun is that?
*Glances at Victoria, then down at his guns. He unholsters one and twirls it a few times before bringing it to rest firmly in his palm* It's a Colt Single Action Army Revolver; the best gun ever made.
Not one for guns. Never have been. Always better with martial arts.
Why is it the best gun ever? bored too.
It's got everything necessary and nothing in excess. Six shots -- enough to kill anything that moves. And when you've got only six shots before a reload, you use them well. The gun demands skill and concentration.
The reloading time in itself -- which takes ages compared to simply sliding in a new clip -- gives your body a precious shot of adrenaline. For those moments you're unarmed. And if you're not wearing gloves, the casings of the spent shells will burn your fingertips, reminding you that you're alive.
They're guns you have to adapt to, and once you've done that, they become a deadly extension of your hand and eye.
Modern weapons -- automatics that fire countless rounds in a second make people sloppy. Any idiot can pull a trigger and swing a barrel back and forth until his enemies are nothing but hunks of pock-marked meat. But there's no art to it.
You could say similar things about the martial arts and your guns. Listen:
They have only what works within them and nothing besides. One strike-- enough to kill anything, moving or not. And when you only have one good strike before the enemy can react, you make it count. The martial arts demand skill, concentration, and dedication.
The simple act of moving in for the melee is a massive, neccessary shot of adrenaline. The enemy is more than likely than not to have a ranged weapon or another weapon. If you are not in total balance with yourself and your enemy, then your body will be broken. Just the thought of that forces you to life.
The martial arts you must know as well as your hand and eye to use properly and safely. It demands dedication.
Guns in general make people sloppy. Any idiot can point and shoot, no matter the make. There is no skill to it.
See? Similar arguments. Can understand them, but still. No guns for this one.
You make a good argument. I do recognize that hand-to-hand combat is inevitable in many cases, and every soldier would do well to master it.
As for me, I've been picking up a form called "Close Quarters Combat" or "CQC", developed by the celebrated war heroine known as "The Boss". It uses concise, swift action to disarm your enemy and "neutralize" him with deadly efficiency. It's very much like judo, but it dispenses with all of the excessive formalities of traditional martial arts to a distilled, utilitarian method.
*wagging his finger and exuding a potent, twenty-year-old confidence* Firearms will always have priority, though. If you can destroy your enemy from a distance, you'll never need to get close enough to use bodily force. For example, sniping someone from hundreds of feet away doesn't risk the chance of your enemy detecting your approach before you can get close enough to use hand-to-hand. You might not even have adequate cover to reach your enemy in the first place before raising an alert ( ... )
Important point to firearms, especially in regards to metahumans like some and others like self, is that you have to hit them first. And make sure the shots work. Self has dodged bullets before.
Some martial arts have flourishes. The ones taught to self has none. Know the formalities, though, just choose not to use them.
Know there is more to pointing and shooting than just that. Similar things between martial arts and just punching people.
You are showing your age. And your place. Guns not as useful in self's world as they are in yours.
And I'd like to say that I hope to god that I never end up in your world. (Regardless of the promise of a decent haberdasher.)
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