Wow haven't posted in a while...amazing what a screaming bundle of joy will do to a persons internet time. Alex is beautiful and a joy to behold (i'm biologically obligated to say that) however he's got "the colic" so I still haven't gotten to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time (although one magical night there was a three hour stretch). The unicorn and I are tired and a little stressed but we know that this too shall pass. I'm going to a "mommy n me" class on Mondays at the hospital so at least there are other new moms to talk to and comiserate with. At least he doesn't have reflux there's a little girl there that hasn't slept for more than 40 minutes at a time and she's older than Alex *yikes*
I have NO time to get any sewing done I'm actually looking forward to going back to work so that afternoons I get out early I can come home and have a little me time before I go pick Alex up from the babysitters. Ahh the babysitters for the price of childcare Carlito and I could buy a very nice BMW. The things we do for love ;)
Things are not all bad though. Alex is starting to smile now which is verra cute and its amazing how quick he's growing I should really post some pictures those of you who care too can go to and see pictures yadda yadda yadda.
We're taking The Bug (Alex) on his first road trip on the 19th of July his presence has been requested at my Maternal side family reunion...this kills my great five year streak of finding reasons to miss it :( damn