I might neglect my followers for days or weeks on end, but there are certain things I would never do to you.
At this point, the purpose (or at least, the general format) of F&F is becoming more clear. My posts either detail an event in my life, discuss something nerdy, or start a dialogue about current political issues, especially those related to social justice. Whenever I can, I like to showcase the myriad ways in which fiction can be used to inspire people and effect positive change in society.
Due to the pseudo-political nature of this blog, I need to make sure I hold myself to certain standards. I also need to ensure that my readership isn't afraid to let me know if I make a mistake. Please, please, PLEASE let me know if I abuse my privilege in any way.
[Here is a definition of male privilege from the feminism 101 blog, but the info applies to all forms of privilege:
This may be a fun and goofy environment, but I still hope to keep it respectful. The funniest jokes are the ones that don't insult people for being who they are- they mock or parody actions or situations.
For instance, it is 100% OK to mock Obama's policies and it is 100% wrong to mock his race. Same with Sarah Palin. Mock her policies, not that she is a woman.
There are certain things I will never do here on F&F. I will never define a person by their race, sex, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, hair color, IQ, age, health or any inherent attribute. People don't fit in little square boxes, and I will not try to make them. We shouldn't ignore these attributes- each is a part of a persons identity. However, these attributes should never define people.
The worst thing a society can do is dehumanize another society or group within their own society. Serious phrases like, "Jews are conniving devils" or "black men rape white women" or "gays are pedophiles" seriously hurt society. Likewise, even *innocent* phrases like "men are all the same" and "Asians are great at math" do more harm than good.
We live in a world with shades of gray. No attribute applies to everyone. This means that assuming all Muslims are terrorists is just as stupid as assuming that all Christians are like the Westboro Baptist Church people, or that assuming all women love shoe shopping is as stupid as assuming all men refuse to ask for directions.
Society has gotten into the habit of ostracizing people who aren't white male middle-class hetero-normative Protestants. There are an awful lot of people who don't fit in that category. In fact, I think there are more people outside that box than in it. I refuse to accept that box as "normal" and I hope you do, too.
That is my pledge. When this blog isn't gushing about how awesome Harry Potter is, I will be posting (hopefully insightful and thought provoking) articles about equality. Because equality for women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, the disabled, and other groups previously mentioned also improves the lives of everyone else. There is no man-bashing or white-bashing or Christian-bashing to be found here. I'm talking equality.
On another note, once in a blue moon I post a satire. The most notable example is the "pretty young white woman" entry. This was a post written in the vein of Colbert satire. All posts like that will be tagged with the word "satire" and clearly labeled as such. That entry was meant to be a scathing commentary on the unfortunate way the media treats cases involving missing men and people of color. Modern media, especially sensationalists like Nancy Grace, focus on pretty young white girls as if they were more important than everyone else in society and play up the fetish fuel. It is sickening.
I'm very new at writing satire. If I write a satire and you find it unfunny, please tell me. I don't want to make a mistake.
So, to recap. Here are some things I will never do here:
- Blame the victim
- Tolerate rape apology or misogyny
- Tolerate racial profiling or racism
- Tolerate gay bashing, transphobia, or general homophobia
- Tolerate ableism or ageism
- Tolerate white nationalism
- Tolerate classism
- Tolerate misandry
- Assert my privilege on others
- Belittle the opinions of people engaging in intelligent conversations and discussions
- Apply double standards to individuals from different groups
- Say, "that isn't an important issue, let's discuss this"
- Give celebrities a free pass because I like their work
- Follow dissenters to their own blogs to harass them there
- Feed trolls
- Label anyone who disagrees with me a "troll"
- Swear at someone (I only use harsh language when quoting)
F&F is all about having fun in a nerdy environment and expanding our minds. This includes me too. If I ever violate the above statement, please let me know. Also, please chime in and let me know about anything I may have forgotten to list.
Oh, plus I promise to never mention Charlie Sheen. You're welcome.