Haha it's been a while since you've seen one of these from me, huh? Well since NO ONE apparently cares whether I vlog or blog I figured I'd just finish this...the next few are describing the last day/week/month etc in detail and I need to finish this sooooo it works out. First is this though. Fanfiction.
Alright this is not something I ever should have started. Really. Even for a choice day this is insane. If I were you, I wouldn't even read it. I'll sum it up instead: I like fanfiction. I read mostly Harry Potter, but sometimes Animorphs and Twilight too. I like fanfics that have good grammar, are in character, and keep to the canon. For pairings I like HP: Draco/Harry, Harry/Ron, Harry/Ron/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Severus/Lily, Sirius/Remus, Dean/Seamus, Neville/Luna. For Twilight: everything canon. For Animorphs: Marco/Rachel, Tobias/OC. To read more about what kind of stories I like to read and write visit my writing journal
sagekillerfancy I love fanfiction. To ridiculous levels. I constantly read it and think about it and write - ok not so much with the writing. I do write fanfics (hell I post them on LJ enough you guys should all know that already) but I get maaaaajor writer's block so I don't write anywhere near as much as I would like to. And for some reason, I've been writing even less since I started improving my art. I always said I have trouble drawing and writing at the same time (the perfect handicap for a comic artist don't you think?) but this is rediculous. Now it's like I can barely write just because I can almost always draw >.>
Anyway, fanfiction. What do I like to read? Mostly Harry Potter of course, but I also read Twilight and Animorph fics at times, some from different animes and tv shows, and I love crossovers. But I'm very picky. There are so many fics that I stop reading after 3 paragraphs because I just hate the grammar - or lack there of. And I've practically banned some writers from my screen after being disappointed by a few of their fics. (For example, one writer I see a lot of has amazing ideas, pretty good writing, very good characterization...but very weak endings. Every story seems like it's missing a chapter at the end, the story just ends abruptly. After the third time I've refused to read any more of her work. On another site, one writer has amazingly tempting summaries, with really good ideas, but I'm not a fan of her writing style and she ALWAYS pairs up Snape and Sinistra, a pairing I don't support. Before I start a fanfic I make sure neither of these writers is the author) What I do like in a fanfic: Canon, at least to a point. I do read some fics where Sirius raised Harry from a baby, or Snape rescues Harry when he's only a toddler, but I don't like them as much. I like to read about Harry's character after those 10 years at the Dursleys, not when he's a child. And without that abusive time he's just a normal little boy...ugh. Boring. It holds true to other series too. I don't read Animorph fics where uhhhhm...someone....didn't die. Or comes back to life. It defeats the purpose of the original story. I don't like stories where the summary is "the same except that thing didn't happen!" Just because you didn't like something doesn't mean it didn't happen! *Pant* Alright, alright, I know it's the author's right to write whatever they want, but it's still annoying. Oh, the only exception: Twilight. When I read Twilight fanfiction it HAS to be different from canon simply because the story is over for me. There was one good fanfic I read...
You've Kept Me Waiting by
Mandi1 which described Alice and Jasper's time before they met the Cullens...that was pretty canon and it finished off the story for me. There's the prologue, the books are the middle, I need no epilogue. I don't read stories that take place after breaking dawn unless they're crossovers or "reading the books" stories. But those 2 genres are amazing with Twilight. I love Twilight/Harry Potter crossovers, though Edward/Harry was a bit of an acquired taste. Hand in hand with canon is being in character. I CAN NOT STAND OOC FANFICS!!! Especially when they're AU. The only thing you're keeping in common with the original story is the characters have the same name and appearance? And sometimes they change that too because their personalitiy is so different.....GAHNJKALSJFKL;AJKLJKA;SDA WTF!!!
Um anyway...so good grammar, keep it canon and IC, what else...? Ah yes, pairings. I'm pretty open with pairings, I'll read just about everything, but I do have my likes and dislikes. For Harry Potter, my favorite is Drarry, or Harry/Draco. I know things change depending on who's name is first, but I don't do that. Unless the story has to do with some kind of slave bond, or their relationship contains D/s or BDSM, I see no reason why one person has to be...well the Seme. Both in my favorite fics and when I write them, I expect them to be equal in the relationship and switch around in bed (is that too blunt? oops...) And I really hate fanfics (and anime too for that matter) where Male/Male relationships have the uke look and act like a girl. Long hair, blushing all the time, and somehow they even gain hourglass figures and long shapely legs in art...why??? I want to see two men, not a strong manly man and his flat chested girlfriend with a penis.
Oh right I was talking about pairings. Well besides Drarry, I also really love Trio fics. While this can just mean fics about the Golden Trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione, it's also used to refer to the pairing of Harry/Ron/Hermione. Their friendship goes so deep that I find it easy to see it going to the next level. Also why I read Harry/Ron. Best friends becoming more is something I love, and it's also something that happens a lot in Drarry fics fyi. The only one of the trio I don't support is Harry/Hermione. I used to like it in the early books, don't get me wrong. But as time went on I agree with Ron/Hermione just being better. Another pairing I don't like, and this one really plagues me: Harry/Ginny. I never liked it, but I used to support it just because it was canon. But if there's one thing the fandom can do it's cause Ginny hatred. She is barely in the books and their relationship is so sudden that its very easy to make her into a mary sue. On top of that, she has the most boyfriends of the series so she can come off as a slut. At least if you don't think about it. (She only has 3 boyfriends in the series, plus a date to the yule ball. The third is Harry, who she later marries. It just seems like a lot because Harry, Ron, and Hermione only had one extra relationship each.) I think what I really hate about the pairing is that Ginny doesn't get a lot of character development through the series. She starts off as this Harry Potter fan-girl with a huge crush, too shy to talk in front of him. Then he saves her life. We barely hear about her for the next 2 years. Even at the beginning of 5th year Harry's crushing hard on Cho Chang and Ginny is just Ron's little sister. But at least in 5th year she starts showing up more. Plenty of lines, she's part of the DA, she joins the Quidditch team. And when we find out she's dating Michael Corner the story is "she gave up on Harry and started dating others, that's why she talks in front of him now." Then 6th year. She's dumped Michael for Dean Thomas, one of Harry's room mates. And all of a sudden, Harry's jealous. He spends the year (or whatever part of it that's not devoted to school, quidditch, following Draco around, uncovering Voldemort's newest plot) angsting about how he could like her when it's Ron's little sister and where did this come from all of a sudden. By the end of the book they're in love and wanting to get married and oh yeah Ginny never really gave up on Harry, Hermione just told her to date other boys and act like she was over him so that he could see the real her! So...she never changed. It's the same girl from - ok well maybe not first year, she was being possessed by Voldemort for most of that, but second year? When she was just Ron's little sister with a crush and therefore didn't matter? Am I the only one to see an issue here? On top of that they don't even last till the end of the book. Harry decides to go on a cross country horcrux finding mission the next year and so breaks up with her to keep her safe. Spoiler: He comes back from being off with his 2 best friends for a year and they make out and are still totally in love and get married. God damn you Ginny. (Oh and before I forget, my other little pet peeve for Ginny. She's a firey red head like Lily. Harry plays quidditch and looks like James. He looks like his father and his girlfriend looks like his mother. I'm sorry, I love bookending, coming full circle, all that good stuff, but that's just creepy)
To finish off HP pairings: Luna/anyone is awesome as long as it's a short story. Same with Neville, unless they're paired together. For some reason I can totally see them paired up with anyone but only lasting with either other or their canon pairings (a new character for Luna and a Hufflepuff side character for Neville). Established long term relationships are ok though. Snape should always love Lily. Unless it's Snarry. Not too big a fan of Snape/Harry anyway, mostly because Snape is not only the same age as Harry's father, but is an alternate pairing for Lily so really, litterally, CANONLY could have been Harry's father. And now they want to have sex. Ew. But aside from that Snarry stories tend to be very well written and interesting, so I read them and fully support when they say he only loved Lily as a sister. Sirius/Remus is an adorable pairing that I love, as is Dean/Seamus. Again, best friends becoming more. I think that's it...
For Twilight I support canon all the way. I'll read other pairings but I'm on the vampire side and when it comes to Bella I definitely choose Team Edward. (As Alice its pure Team Jasper for me) As I mentioned before though, Edward/Harry Potter is a pretty good pairing, once you get used to it. For Animorphs I take the controversial road. I HATE Tobias/Rachel. It's so canon it hurts, and I'm not just a "die for our ship" Tobias lover, I really don't like them together. My biggest problem? Tobias wants to stay a hawk. Rachel wants him to become human. He's staying a hawk because he wants to fight in this war and protect Earth. Rachel wants him to be human because...she doesn't like that she's dating a hawk. She wants a human boyfriend. Technically, she also wants him to be safe and doesn't like that he has to worry about hunting for food and being eaten by bobcats and things like that, but she mainly complains about the boyfriend issue. Plus Tobias has this little problem: His parents are MIA so he's taken care of by an aunt on one side of the country and and uncle on the other side. Neither one cares about him. He says there's a good chance he hasn't even been declared a missing person. So if he becomes human he can't fight in this war, he has to live with a relative who doesn't give a shit, oh and he gets to watch his girlfriend and friends fight for their lives instead. Because Rachel isn't planning to stop fighting. That's a pretty shitty thing to ask for so you can makeout more often. Instead of Tobias/Rachel I ship Marco/Rachel. And it does have canon elements. Rachel does mention that Marco's cute a few times and Marco has hit on Rachel before. This series is full of alternate realities and in one they did date. But people always seem to forget about that when the supercanon Tobias/Rachel is there. As for Tobias, I like to ship him with an OC. No not necessarily me. I just don't like him with any of the other Animorphs and there's a lack of other characters who would date a bird in the series. So it's either OC or solo, and his character is waaaay too emo to be left alone.
Um ok, I talk way too much. And there's still so much to say...different fanfic genres, and
my own fanfiction...oh well, another time.
Day 01 → Your favorite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
Day 04 → Your favorite book
Day 05 → Your favorite quote
Day 06 → Your choice
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Your choice
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Your choice
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Your choice
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Your choice