Back on the Crazy Train of Exercise

May 03, 2010 23:16

We started doing the Beachbody Insanity program back in January. After doing it for about a month, I got really sick. Then Knight got really sick. Then there was the play rehearsals for me and papers for him (both writing his own and marking his students), to say nothing of my own schoolwork. Then there was more illness. Then there was the play opening and Knight finishing his year with undergrad papers to mark again.

Point is, we both failed at exercise. But now we're back.

We restarted the program with the Fit Test tonight. While it kicked our asses, as we knew it would, as it did the first and second time we did it, I was pleasantly surprised at the results. Comparing tonight's scores with the very first ones, every one was better, and sometimes I got twice the amount of reps on some exercises.

I can do this. I can totally do this. I'm finishing this program. Sixty days. It's all it takes. By Canada Day, I'll be awesome.


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