
Dec 20, 2007 13:50

Okay, meinen invisible friends. I did family on Monday, and client friends on Tuesday - tonight, I hope to 1. go grocery shopping for last minute needs (lasagna makin' and ham, mostly) 2. make sugar cookies before my bear cries any more at the lack of cookieage and 3. send out my invisible friend cards! Not that you're last in my heart, but this year it's easier to keep my 3 databases seperate. Next year, they'll all be one and it will be much easier !

So! If you'd like a card, give me your address. I'm fairly certain I may have it for a number of you (TH peoples especially), but give it to me anyway. Please?

And if you want to send us one, it's:

CJ & Deb Tabor
5037 N Concord
Portland OR 97217

Comments screened for you, of course; I've already got my address out there online anyway :)
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