Jun 22, 2008 19:14
Hello and good evening. Been a rough year so far, though I was hoping for much better initially. My grandmother passed away March 12th after fighting c. diff/e. coli infection for a month or more. It was hard. It was a good experience in so far as I made it up to Nebraska on Monday evening and she passed Wednesday night. She was very coherent, clear headed, and patient for all of her children to make it to her, as she had something to say to everybody that she wanted to be said in person. She died about 16 hours after her last child made it in to say goodbye. It was hard waiting and just a very difficult trip, but I'm glad I was there and wouldn't do it differently if I had another chance. Two days following that, my brother had returned home and back to work and was in a 4 car pile up in Missouri with his girlfriend. It totaled his Blazer, made a compact vehicle out of an SUV, and they were pretty beat up, Tiffany worse than Jared, but they survived. I came home after this, so I could keep an eye on them, though I had to miss the funeral. Then about 2 or 4 days after his accident ( I can't remember exactly ) he had to have emergency surgery, appendectomy, quite probably due to injuries that he had suffered in the car accident. STRESS. Meanwhile work was out of control, I was grieving, and shit was just happening right and left. He moved in with me to recover from his surgery as both of my parents were ill at the time. He recovered quickly and all seems to be as well with the family as can be expected. Since that time he has moved in with me permanently due to job and roommate troubles, so I am doing my best to accomodate him without going completely insane myself.
I feel like I've been on an emotional rollercoaster. Just when I think I get some things sorted, something else seems to get out of whack. I'm working on dealing with it, I just need a little bit more practice.
We got a puppy on May 26th, a 3 month old golden retriever named Emma. She's precious, but I can't help but wonder if maybe I'm suffering from buyers remorse, because sometimes I wish life would go back to when I didn't have a dog and 3 cats, a brother with a girlfriend, and a roommate all living in my house. I'm doing my best to not let my depression/emotional issues effect my love for her, because it is truely not her fault. She's a sweet girl and very intelligent and I'm quite lucky I've got such a good puppy. She was a rescue, so she was not in the best condition when I picked her up in Oklahoma City, but we're slowly getting her nursed back to health.
I'm going to be actively looking for a new job here very, very soon. I hope to find something in the hospital that pays somewhat as well as what I have now in the public retail setting, but I'm not overly optimistic. Since I've taken over my brother's hospital bills and a few other expenses I can really only afford to lose a dollar or two an hour, not much. I'll be meeting with the district manager tomorrow *barf* to talk about things, but most likely my best bet will be to try to find another job. Wal-Mart has me kinda burnt out.
So here we are, nearly 7 months into 2008 and it has SUCKED it hard, at least for my family. Hope everybody else is happy and doing well. We'll keep working at it on our end and see if we can't manage to swing the last 5 months or so in a better direction.
Much love.