May 26, 2006 20:23
7 days postop and doing fine. left eye is slower than the right at getting itself healed up, but I am assured that it will catch up at some point.
Paying my brother 25 bucks/season 10 of Mash to have a Kelly Clarkson ringtone on his phone for one week, and it has to be the since you've been gone song. The bet/challenge started officially one hour and 24 minutes ago. I have yet to hear his phone ring, but oh it will. The best part of it is is that he is going out with his guy friends tonight so the phone is sure to ring about 20 times. can't WAIT to hear about his humiliation
It's the small things in life like kelly clarkson ring tones that make me look forward to the next day and the next 5 after that. I'll be smiling all week.