Title: Seize The Moment
Author: Saga Chriztine
Series: Advent Calendar 2009 - 7/25
Fandom: LOTR
For: Zee113
Wish: Legolas (and Aragorn)
Prompts: Barefoot in the snow
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None
Beta: Tena & Inwe
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Characters that are used unless it is an OFC or OMC. I do not mean to offend any or make any profit from this.
A/N: Please as this is done for 2009 Advent Calendar where I wanted to give my friends a moment of disappearing into the fantasy world I would prefer that you do not post this anywhere else (you can link to the post). I would also ask that you do not to print it, not even for your personal use.
Summary: Some children are missing and search parties are sent out to find them. Aragorn and Legolas is one of the parties.
A few families had come to Aragorn, begging that he send out a search party for their missing children. When Aragorn asked how long they had been missing he learned that they hadn't been seen for a week. They also told him that nothing had been done by anyone in authority to find them. The families had themselves searched the whole city and they couldn't find them. They now suspected that the children had gone outside the city.
Aragorn did not like what he heard, that the people he had ordered to keep the city safe had ignored the worried parents. He promised that he would look into the whole matter and that he would make sure there were search parties out for the children before the day ended.
He saw that the search parties were more important than questioning the authorities of their lack of concern. He decided that one group would head to Ithilien from the north and another head to Ithilien from the south. He and Legolas would go to Mount Mindolluin. Hopefully the children would be found soon and safely. Aragorn had chosen to go out himself as he saw it as a good opportunity to leave the city for some time.
He and Legolas had taken their horses, but walked a lot of the way so as not to miss any signs. Closer to the mountains they had no choice but to walk so that the horses would not misstep or slide. It was quite chilly and further up they could see the snow covering the top. Aragorn hoped that the children hadn't gone there, thinking they would not fare well.
Neither Legolas or Aragorn saw anything that showed that anyone had been that way. As they moved further from the city they not only looked for clues but also looked towards both North and South Ithilien for any signs that the children had been found. They could have turned around, but Aragorn wanted to really make sure the children had not gone to the mountain.
When the day turned first to dusk, then to night, they had seen that from South Ithilien came three lighting in the air. Having a more yellow flaming light, they could exclude there were weather lighting and was the sign that would be sent for the other search parties, so seeing them made that they could breathe out as the search party had found the missing children.
Legolas and Aragorn decided to search for the nearest cave or best place to make camp for the night, as it was too late to make it safely down the mountainside. They lit a fire and ate a little of the food they had brought before they lay down side by side.
Aragorn stretched and felt the cold as he no longer had the elf by his side. He drew the blanket closer around him, and then looked around. He noticed there was no fire and Legolas walking out in the snow.
"Finally you have woken up! I thought you would sleep forever," Legolas said with his sing-song voice when he saw that Aragorn was awake.
"It looks like the sun has just risen. What are you doing, meleth-nin?" Aragorn asked.
"I am just walking around to keep my blood flowing. It is great, you should try too."
"Try what?"
"Come and walk barefoot in the snow. Feel the frozen raindrops between the toes and melt from your heat."
"Legolas, are you not afraid of your feet turning blue…" Aragorn had sat up, but as the words left his lips he remembered that Legolas was a full blood elf and had a lot of resistance to the cold, not to mention he was light enough to only walk on the surface. "Sorry. I should probably not worry."
Legolas left his place and came to sit down beside Aragorn. "That you tend to worry makes you a good man and I love you for it." He leaned in and placed a kiss on Aragorn's cheek.
Aragon folded the blanket away from him and started to loosen his boots. He took them off and also his socks, and rolled his trousers up to his knees. Having done that, he rose and drew Legolas up with him.
"If you say it is so amazing I will have to test it as well."
They went for a few minutes and Legolas had to smile as Aragorn jumped back and forth on his feet as it was chilly. He could not stand it long, but he did get an understanding of what Legolas said it felt like.
Fully dressed, they packed their blankets and ate their breakfast before returning to Minas Tirith to take up ruling once more.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~