The Start of Hell
Title: The Start of Hell
Author:Saga 'sagaluthien' Chriztine
Claim: 1. sagaluthien: acheron (ash)
Prompt: Mix 'n' Match; # 12 Hell set 1
Progress: 1/50
Fandom: Dark-Hunter
Mix'n'Match - HereRating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Beta: Inwe
Summary: What a seven year old boy should not need to learn.
Notes/Warnings: If you haven't read the first part of Acheron, you might not read this if you not want to get spoiled.
It already began with the boat trip. If I so much dared to look at Estes he backhanded me. If I showed anything that he saw as not appropriate he hit me. By the way he treated me it should have told me that he was no better than father.
Soon I understood that I wouldn't get any love and far too early I learned that I had to obey and work to earn my place and food.
Finally arriving at Atlantis and Estes' house I was told that I would become a Tsoulus* and that was my start of hell.
*Tsoulus = sex slave