Title: Postpone
Author: Saga Chriztine
Written for
all_unwritten, a shorter version
Prompt: # 170 Tomorrow
Posted: 19/2-08
Written: 20/2-08
Warning: AU, Mpreg
Fandom/Characters: LOTR, Legolas
inwe_saralonde Author's note: This will probably end up in Just Can't Get Enough
Disclaimer: If it is a known fandom, star I do not own them. Originals please ask first if you would borrow any… It is written for exercise, fun and not to gain money.
Legolas tried to persuade himself that it wasn't wrong to wait until tomorrow to tell him. No one was going to die from not learning about it. With the child he wouldn't. The father wouldn't and not anyone else. Though he knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Yet everything would probably be better if he told the truth as soon as possible.
He didn't feel ready to say anything. He had so recently come to terms with it himself. Legolas looked down at his stomach and placed his hands on it, knowing that in a few months it would be obvious that he was carrying. Even if at first had been terrified of what had happened, he now felt so at peace and expectant. It was a gift from the Valar and he would do the best he could.