EDIT: I have fixed this and you will find the part written....
Hi friends!
I would be very happy if you could give me a little moment of your time.
I have come to a little dearth of ideas so I would need suggestions from YOU.
It is for my story True love never dies. You can find it at
My homepage Some of the parts is here too.
It isn't neccessary that you read it or all becuase I will give you some info here.
I'm writing on part 19 which will be Kate's pov. My beta thought that I should start hers little earlier than I had to show the expecting Kate has to finally be able to spend some time together with her boyfriend Orlando. I start the part on the flight to him and another friend thought I should do a few flashbacks to a few moments that they spent together that she cheered. Also give some thought on what they might have planned to do and the future.
Think they have been together for around two years and it has looked mostly good, though a few times Kate has felt there might be things that been missing or Orlando have had his thoughts somewhere else.
The story take place a weekend in May 2004, after Cannes and the premier of Troy and take place in London.
There are and will be so the relationship break later....
What I'm asking for now is suggestion of special moment they might chared and suggestion what they might would do the next comming two or three weeks. Can you? It sure would help. I want a lot to choice from, so please can't you`?
If you want or need more info to help you are welcome to mail me off list.