Blessed by the fairies pro/?

Oct 02, 2007 19:16

By sagaluthien

Title: Blessed by the Fairies
Chapter/part: Prologue
Author: Saga “sagaluthien” Chriztine
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: LOTR
Characters: Legolas, Aragorn
Warnings: AU, Wingfic
Beta: Tena & Crowdaughter
Series/Sequel: None as of yet.
Disclaimer: All I can claim as mine is the way I’ve written the story (the idea I had) and the people that aren't well-known (stars, actors, actresses, or characters). I have written it only for my own amusement and fun. For me it is one way to exercise my English and to see if I'm good at all at getting things together. This isn't done to try to make any money off of it.
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
Feedback address: or
Archive: sagas_stories, If I haven’t posted it anywhere myself please ask first
Website: Saga’s World, Moonlight Fiction when I consider it finished
Author’s note: In this story things that might not fit with Tolkiens world do appear and a few things can be explained somewhere in the story. This is a tease… and little depending of how it is taken and my time/inspiration it can be more.

Summary: (it might not be the best and can come to change…) All his life he had known he was different from any elf. At home he didn't need to hide it, but he felt uncomfortable to let outsiders know his secret... He hadn't expected what it would bring him.

He had gone up to one of the highest tower there was in Minas Tirith, seeking space and solitude. He choose to be high up, than down at a secluded place. One reason was because it was a shorter way to walk, and that he thought less people would climb as high as it was. Another reason was that he always loved to be closer to the sky.

The war was finally over and Frodo had succeeded with destroying the ring. He would feel free, but he didn't. The walls felt to close in on him and there were all too many people still celebrating the victory. He had needed to get away from it, at least for a moment. Feeling suffocated was one of the things he hated, but for times endured.

At first he might would have thought a second time to have gone to a place where he might be spotted, but as it had started to get dark and he had held back a lot for a long time so his guard went down or he feared to lose his self-control totally. At the tower, he could feel the air that he needed. Slowly, he had started to undress, let his cape fall, took his tunics off. For every layer he discarded he thought it was easier to breath. Only planning to stretch he kept his leggings and shoes on.

Standing there, half naked he could finally breathing in his normal way. Slowly, he shook his body, stretched his arms and the wings that had been folded all too long against his back. Carefully letting them out to their fully span, they reached out as long as his fingertips. First just holding them, to unfurl and get used to not being forced to stay tight against his back.

When the first spinning ceased, he let his arms down so he could begin to wave with the wings. That was one of the things he hadn't been able to do much during the quest. After another moment he sat down on his knees, letting his back to bend upwards, continuing to stroke the air with the wings.

Being as high up as he was would not make the sound his wing stroke travel down in the city and scare any of the people. If any would hear it, they hopefully would take it as some birds. For an unaccustomed ear it would not have sounded differently. When his wings not been free for a long time he could hear they were weaker than usual.

The liberty it filled him with made him loosen his hair so it could fly around him as well. The suffocating he had felt slowly let go of the hold he had felt and his spirit lifted.

He stayed there for a few hours, although, in his thoughts it only felt like minutes.

Would there happened that any of the people of Minas Tirith had looked upwards and seen him standing there on the top of the tower, would probably thought he was some sort of wonder or maybe one of the big eagles. A few had noticed him and come to tell their friends that they seen something suspicious.

fandom:lotr, character:legolas, character:aragorn, kink:wing, rating:nc-17, type:au, paring:aragorn/legolas, story:blessed by the fairies

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