Claim: Balian - Kingdom of Heaven
The Diary of Balian of Ibelin
I love challenges and seeing that a community over at had a challenge posted with a table of 100 words to put stories under, I had to jump on it.
I did two claims. The first I tackled was Balian of Ibelin, the character that Orlando Bloom played in Kingdom of Heaven.
I decided to meet this with short stories made up as entries in a diary. So in the end I should have written 100 entries told from Balian.
After doing some research, watching the commentaries and featurettes surrounding the film, I have come to the decision to weave in some of the real person the character is built upon.
Here is the general info and disclaimer for the series:
Fandom: Kingdom of Heaven
Author: Saga “sagaluthien” Chriztine
Rating: PG-13, unless otherwise is stated for that specific entry
Characters: Balian of Ibelin
Challenge: For
fanfic100 - I've dropped this as I haven't come beyond nr 8
Warnings: None, unless otherwise mentioned for that special entry.
blue_darien(Nicole) and other friends
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
Feedback address:
Archive: created for
sagas_stories, others must ask first
Website: Saga’s World, when I consider the story finished
Disclaimer: I don’t own Balian. He is just one of the characters I’ve come to love from all the films I’ve seen. As this will be about his life, other characters from Ridley Scott’s film Kingdom of Heaven will appear - I don’t own them either. There might be mention of a few characters that were not in the film; all of those characters will be originally created and owned by me. This story is not meant in any way to infringe upon any rights anyone may have with regards to the story or the character of Balian of Ibelin.
Author’s note: I would recommend you read the entries in order, but it is not absolutely necessary. If it was a diary that you held in your hands, the entries would come in the order that I post them. I will be jumping back and forth in his life, so the entries will cover his life before, after and during the film (Please be forewarned that there maybe some spoilers of the film if you haven’t seen it). This is my interpretation of the Knight so it is possible that you may not always agree with it.
Author’s note 2: For those that have watched the Pilgrim’s Guide on the DVD, you know that there are differences between the ‘real’ Balian and the film’s Balian. I have decided to use some of the information that was provided about the real Balian in that section of the DVD.
Table for all entries:
Previous entries or at
Saga’s World More info if needed you will find for every entry.
Summary: The diary is written by Balian. It is a compilation of his thoughts on life and recollections of things that he has lived through. He wanted his family to know about them, which is why he wrote them all down.