General information for I Can't Stand This Emotional Violence

Dec 09, 2005 22:07

Verse'Emotional Violence

I have had a few ideas for a long time in my head, playing around it and it wasn’t until the end that I decided to see if I would be able to do anything with it.

I wasn’t sure first how I would put it and so I started very slow, which means that it probably will take time before it is really finished. Parts of the story will be in areas that I’m very new to, which may, in the future, cause some of the chapters to change.

As far as any facts, I’m not an expert or all that familiar in certain areas, so there probably will be things that aren’t correct here and there. You are more than welcome to point them out and I will do my best to fix it if at all possible. However, you should know that this is fiction and it has never been my intention to call my writings complete truth.

To this there is a few so called drabbels, snap-shot, ficlets and short stories. Any special reading order should not be nessassary, but if you really want to get it in the timeline check below how I think it might take place.

Here is the general info and disclaimer for the main story:
Fandom: Rps; Orlando, Elijah, Viggo
Author: sagaluthien - Saga Chriztine
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, Elijah Wood and a few OMC, OFC
Warnings: m/m sex, rape, crime, disability
Beta: Arsenic, Annie and others that been avalible (see each story)
Disclaimer: All I can claim as mine is the way I’ve written the story (the idea I had) and the people that aren't well-known (stars, actors, actresses, or characters). I have written it only for my own amusement and fun. For me it is one way to exercise my English and to see if I'm good at all at getting things together. This isn't done to try to make any money off of it.
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
Feedback address:
Archive: Ao3, If I haven’t posted it anywhere myself please ask first
Author’s note: Some of the parts will be from different POV’s and some will flash back in time to where the first part starts.

Summary: After an accident, Orlando loses his voice and this leads to destructive behavior in several different forms and that takes him on a roller coaster journey. There will be things that deep inside, would disgust him to know that this behavior is his own. At the same time he wants to be alone, he will also search for support from his friends and just maybe, the man he loves.

Main (Base) story I Can't Stand This Emotional Violence
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3

Other stories in the verse (in a stort of timeline):
Main Story - I Can't Stand This Emotional Violence
Get The Heat Out
Emotinonal drabble 1-2
Emotinonal drabble 3-4
Emotinonal drabble 5-6
Emotional drabble 7
Emotional drabble 8
Troubled Mind
Sweet Dreams
A Time To Forgive

type:disability, kink:slash, masterpost, character:viggo mortensen, character:orlando bloom, character:elijah wood, story:emotional violence

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