May 17, 2015 18:18
Yu might be used to get about three fic at the time I post, but there might be that more fic's turn up little more regular in the future. That after I start to use the schedueled posting. I seem to have easier to sit one day then and then and put up the fics. So I will probably do so from now on.
There will probably be one each day, as I will try to catch up those that still waiting for be posted. Then there can be more a few times when I have newer stories to post as well. This will continue until I'm 'up to date' and then I have to consider if I will post unbetad stories here or keep that to my ss-sanctuary. I mention this as I have little hard to find people that has time to beta for me. Would you want to help me let me know.
So now Happy Reading and you get Loved if you take time to leave a comment (I'm happy if it only is to say been and read the story)
On the way to put up more stories.
PS. The Index pages will be updated later, when I can get the actually entry link