During Power Failure
Title: During Power Failure
sagaluthienFandom, Characters: CSI NY, Mac Taylor/Adam Ross
Warning, rating: PG-13,
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters/people, I just borrowed them for a little while. I have not written it to earn any money, I did it to exercise the English language when it is a second one for me.
Wish: CSI NY, Mac/Adam,
Candles #1343, by
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/236695.html?thread=48626583#t48626583Beta: A Friend
Summary: Something to do when electicity is out.
It was good that they weren't at work. Adam wondered if they would have been able to do any processing and he now knew how much the world really had come to relay on electricity, though he didn't want to think about it right now.
Mac had somehow managed to fix a dinner, and they now sat there in the light of candles. It was romantic, no questions about it and Adam would keep it as a good memory.
When they eaten and were talking with still no power, both agreed on to head to bed. Blowing out all but two candles, so there wouldn't be a fire, they went into the bedroom and the double bed that Mac had.